Grassrootz- 5 days Chimps and Gorilla's



Uganda, or the ‘Pearl of Africa’, as it was famously dubbed by Winston Churchill, is characterised by relatively dry and flat savanna in the north, with verdant mountains in the West, and vast dense and remarkably lush forests in the central region. The nation is home to an astonishingly diverse range of African wildlife including the highly endangered mountain gorilla which can be found in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. A popular spot for wildlife watching is Queen Elizabeth National Park, which hosts four of the Big Five, a flock of flamboyant flamingos and the rare tree-climbing lions of Ishasha. Outdoor enthusiasts can get their adrenaline fix with plenty of whitewater rafting, kayaking, hiking, quad biking and horse riding facilities on offer. Add to this some friendly locals, a burgeoning cultural scene, and a capital city full of lively bars, clubs and restaurants, and it is easy to see why Uganda has gained itself a reputation as 'Africa's friendliest country'.

Ndali Kasenda Crater Lakes

Days 1 - 3

Imposing cone-shaped hills cradle tranquil calderas in the enchanting Ndali-Kasenda Crater Lakes in Western Uganda near Kibale Forest and Queen Elizabeth National Parks. Formed about 8-10,000 years ago by volcanic activity, these craters now hold a variety of lakes. Some boast clear, blue water, while others remain emerald green with a sulfuric odour due to residual volcanic gases. Lush vegetation cloaks the crater rims, offering views of nearby hills, tea plantations, and even the Rwenzori Mountains on clear days. While some lakes are safe for swimming, others contain toxic water and should be avoided. Activities around the lakes include nature walks, boat rides, bird-watching and visiting the "Top of the World" viewpoint for panoramic vistas.


More Information

Ndali Kasenda Crater Lakes

Alternative Accommodation

Kibale Forest Camp Turaco Treetops

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Days 3 - 5

Located in southwestern Uganda, in the Kisoro District, the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park forms part of the much larger Virunga Conservation Area. This wilderness sanctuary was created to protect the rare mountain gorillas that inhabit its dense forests. The striking landscape boasts three conical volcanoes which are a part of the magnificent Virunga Range which fringes Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo. Aside from the main attraction which is the mountain gorillas, the park is home to buffaloes, elephants, endangered golden monkeys and many of bird species. The three extinct volcanoes offer plenty of hiking trails.


Alternative Accommodation

Gorilla Valley Lodge Buhoma Gorilla Camp
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