Bangui, Bayanga, Lobeke, Douala & Kirbi


Day 1



Day notes

Upon your arrival into the Bangui International Airport, you’ll be provided with VIP assistance with visas and immigration, before being escorted with your luggage to your private vehicle(s) for the transfer by road to the Hotel Ledger Plaza for your overnight arrangements on a room and breakfast basis. (NOTE: As in all airports in the World, at times of heightened security, including visits by Heads of State etc., our Fast Track intentions may be adapted to suit the situation of the day).

Transfer from Bangui M'Poko International Airport [BGF] to Ledger Plaza Bangui





Vehicle Type

Private Vehicle

Pick up

Bangui M'Poko International Airport [BGF]

Drop off

Ledger Plaza Bangui

Check-in to Ledger Plaza Bangui

Day 2


Dzanga Sangha Reserve

Day notes

After breakfast at the Hotel Ledger Plaza, you will head to the Bangui International Airport to connect with your private charter flight to the Bayanga Airstrip. On landing at the Bayanga Airstrip, you will be transferred to the Sangha Lodge, where you will check in, enjoy lunch and depart in the afternoon for a guided walk through the village before heading to the project office where you will learn about the conservation efforts of the project researches here. After which you return to the Sangha Lodge for your overnight arrangements on a full board basis.

Check-out from Ledger Plaza Bangui

Transfer from Ledger Plaza Bangui to Bangui M'Poko International Airport [BGF]





Vehicle Type

Private Vehicle

Pick up

Ledger Plaza Bangui

Drop off

Bangui M'Poko International Airport [BGF]

Private Charter Flight from Bangui M'Poko International Airport [BGF] to Bayanga Airport


Private Charter Flight

Flight No.

Private Charter


Bangui M'Poko International Airport [BGF]


Bayanga Airport

Transfer from Bayanga Airport to Sangha Lodge





Vehicle Type

Private Vehicle

Pick up

Bayanga Airport

Drop off

Sangha Lodge

Check-in to Sangha Lodge

Day 3


Dzanga Sangha Reserve

Day notes

Today you visit Dzangha Bai: Here you make your way to the Dzangha Bai. A Bai is a natural forest clearing where a variety of forest animals come in to feed on the mineral-rich soil. You observe the wildlife from a tree line hide.

Here you can expect to see forest elephants (an average of 40 – 120 turn up throughout the day in the Bai!), bongos (the largest and heaviest of the antelopes), sitatunga (swamp dwelling antelopes), red river hogs and myriad bird species.

This is a true wildlife experience, giving you a chance to see some truly rare creatures in the midst of the second largest rainforest in the world. Your overnight arrangements will be at the Sangha Lodge on a full board basis.

Day 4


Dzanga Sangha Reserve

Day notes

After breakfast you head to Bai Hokou: You make your way to Bai Hokou Research Camp, from where you will be tracking the only habituated lowland gorillas. Rangers will locate their sleeping points from the evening before, where you then head out off in search of them.

This is currently the largest number of lowland habituated gorillas, making this a real privilege as very few people have had the opportunity the track these lowland gorillas. Your overnight arrangements will be at the Sangha Lodge on a full board basis.

Day 5


Dzanga Sangha Reserve

Day notes

You enjoy activities with the Ba’Aka today. A chance to mingle with the local pygmy tribe and to take part in some traditional net hunting within the forest. This is a very unique experience as you are taught the intricacies of living in the forest, with the opportunity to learn about the medicinal plants that they gather and what they’re used for.

Your overnight arrangements will be at the Sangha Lodge on a full board basis.

Day 6


Dzanga Sangha Reserve

Day notes

Today is scheduled as a free day for you to spend as you wish. Many like to enjoy a second gorilla trek or another visit to the Dzanga Bai for photographs. Both can be paid in advance or locally. Overnight, you’ll be staying at the Sangha Lodge on a full board basis.

Day 7


Djembe Camp

Day notes

After breakfast you set off back south, heading to Djembe on the second leg of your journey. You depart from Bayanga by boat, heading downstream thoruhg Lidjomo and Libongo until you reach Djembe. On arrival at Djembe, you settle into your camp and in the evening you head out for your first visit of the Lobeke National Park. Upon returning, you settle in for dinner and your overnight arrangements at Camp Djembe on a full board basis.

Check-out from Sangha Lodge

Cruise from Sangha Lodge to Djembe Camp




Sangha Lodge


Djembe Camp

Check-in to Djembe Camp

Day 8 - 9


Djembe Camp

Day notes

The next two days are spent in the in the Lobeke National Park, a true untouched wilderness. You set out each morning early to track the animals on foot through the rainforest. Often tracking them by the footprints and droppings they’ve left behind and any nests they’d used the previous night for sleeping. Some portions of the day, you can head to the platforms, high in the trees overlooking the mineral rich soil deposits that draw the animals in, silently watching them from above as they go about their natural daily routines.

Overnight, you’ll be staying at Camp Djembe on a full board basis.

Day 10



Day notes

You leave Djembe Camp early this morning, heading for Camp Combo Mambele. You arrive at Camp Comobo Mambele late in the afternoon, before enjoying a rainforest walk, then returning to the camp for your overnight arrangements on a full board basis at Camp Combo Mambele.

Check-out from Djembe Camp

Transfer from Djembe Camp to Camp Combo Mambele





Vehicle Type

Private Vehicle

Pick up

Djembe Camp

Drop off

Camp Combo Mambele

Check-in to Camp Combo Mambele

Day 11



Day notes

Today is a full day spent with the Ba’Aka. Heading out with the Ba’Aka of the South East, you enjoy a full day of fishing, hunting and seeing the methods of farming that the Ba’Aka employ. Your entire day is spent watching, participating and enjoying this unique life style of these very special people. In the evening, the Ba’Aka will show you their traditional dances and songs, before you return to the Camp Combo Mambele for your overnight arrangements on a full board basis.

Day 12



Day notes

You depart Mambele after breakfast, heading to Libongo, where you board your private charter flight to Douala International Airport. On landing into Douala, you will be transferred in your private vehicle to the Starland Hotel for your dinner and overnight arrangements on a full board basis.

Check-out from Camp Combo Mambele

Transfer from Camp Combo Mambele to Libongo Airstrip





Vehicle Type

Private Vehicle

Pick up

Camp Combo Mambele

Drop off

Libongo Airstrip

Private Charter Flight from Libongo Airstrip to Doula International Airport [DLA]


Private Charter Flight

Flight No.

Private Charter


Libongo Airstrip


Doula International Airport [DLA]

Transfer from Doula International Airport [DLA] to Star Land Hotel Douala





Vehicle Type

Private Vehicle

Pick up

Doula International Airport [DLA]

Drop off

Star Land Hotel Douala

Check-in to Star Land Hotel Douala

Day 13



Day notes

After breakfast at the Starland Hotel, you will be heading by road in your private vehicle from Douala to Kribi, heading through Edea. Overnight you will be staying in Kribi at the Hotel Ilomba on a room & breakfast basis.

Check-out from Star Land Hotel Douala

Transfer from Star Land Hotel Douala to Hotel Ilomba





Vehicle Type

Private Vehicle

Pick up

Star Land Hotel Douala

Drop off

Hotel Ilomba

Check-in to Hotel Ilomba

Day 14 - 15



Day notes

You have these days at your leisure to relax and unwind on the beaches of Kribi after your time spent on adventure in the Congo Basis. Whilst at the Hotel Ilomba, you can head to the Lope Waterfalls, or any of the neighbouring villages. Overnight, you’ll be staying at the Hotel Ilomba on a room & breakfast basis.

Day 16


End of Itinerary

Day notes

You have the morning to relax and unwind at the beach. At midday, you depart in your private vehicle, heading by road to Douala, where you will enjoy a brief city tour with your guide and if you like, a visit to the local arts and crafts market, before finally continuing onwards to the Douala International Airport to connect with your onward international arrangements.

Check-out from Hotel Ilomba

Transfer from Hotel Ilomba to Doula International Airport [DLA]





Vehicle Type

Private Vehicle

Pick up

Hotel Ilomba

Drop off

Doula International Airport [DLA]

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