Natural Paradise 8 Days - Itinerary A


Day 1: Galapagos Islands

Upon your arrival to the airport in San Cristobal Island, you will be transferred to Natural Paradise Yacht at the bay. In the afternoon the yacht will take you to Kicker Rock, a striking rock formation that juts out of the water and is a perfect spot for kayaking, or deep water snorkel. During this activity you will be able to see sharks, tropical fishes, turtles, hammerhead sharks, among others. After this activity dinner will be served onboard the yacht.

Full itinerary map here:

Kicker Rock

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Galapagos Islands




Day 2: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning, the yacht will take you to North Seymour Island, where you will observe the largest colonies of frigate birds and blue-footed boobies in the entire archipelago. During the afternoon, you will visit South Plaza Island, where a white sand beach and black lava shoreline waits for you. This place is also home to one of the largest sea lion colonies, and land iguanas. After this visit, dinner will be served onboard the yacht.


Galapagos Islands





Day 3: Galapagos Islands

First activity of the day will be taking a dinghy ride to Rabida Island. This place has a red sand beach, product of the volcanic components of this place. Once you land, you will take a hike to this place ́s view point to enjoy an amazing landscape of the entire island and where you will also spot finches, flycatchers, Galapagos hawks and brown pelicans. During the afternoon, you will visit Bartholomew Island, where you will take a trail to the highest point of this place and from this spot you will watch one of the most amazing and recognized landscapes on the entire archipelago. You can also swim and snorkel from the beach

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Galapagos Islands





Day 4: Galapagos Islands

After breakfast, the yacht will take you to Sullivan Bay at Santiago Island, where you will see the geological formations product of lava flows due to the recent eruptions of the still active volcanoes around this place. In the afternoon you will head to Dragon Hill, located on the northwestern part of Santa Cruz Island, and walk through a trail that leads to a hyper-saline lagoon, and is frequently visited by flamingos, pintail ducks and other species of birds. End of the day and dinner onboard.

Activities and Services

Cerro Dragon


Galapagos Islands





Day 5: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning, you will disembark at Santa Cruz Island, where you will take a bus ride to Santa Cruz Highlands and your last stop will be at the Twin Craters, formations created by the collapse of surface material in underground fissures and chambers. This is one of the greatest landscapes on the entire archipelago. During the afternoon you will visit Fausto Llerena Breeding Center, where giant tortoises are bred in captivity with conservation purposes. This place is home of new hatchlings and adults. After these activities head back to the yacht for dinner and rest.


Galapagos Islands





Day 6: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning you will head to Genovesa Island, and visit El Barranco, also known as Prince Phillip ́s Steps, that consits of a steep rocky path that leads up a high cliff rock face, from which you can appreciate a marvelous view. During the afternoon you will visit Darwin Bay, through a dinghy ride, and then you will take a path that will lead you to tidal polls where sea lions swim and rest. End of the day and dinner onboard.

Activities and Services


Galapagos Islands





Day 7: Natural Paradise

First activity of the day will be landing on Espumilla Beach, at Santiago Island, where you can see playful sea lions, fur seals and various species of seabirds. This is also a good place to snorkel. In the afternoon you will head to Port Egas, home to Galapagos Hawks, Galapagos lava lizards and Galapagos fur seals, that rest on the beach, this is also a great place for swimming and snorkeling. After this activities head back to the yacht for dinner and rest.

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Day 8: End of Itinerary

After breakfast, the yacht will take you to Bachas Beach, on Santa Cruz Island, place that was used as a strategic point by the US during WWII. You will visit a lagoon where you can watch marine iguanas and flamingoes. After this activity, you will be transferred to Baltra Airport and take your flight back to the continent.


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