Solaris 5 Days - Itinerary B


Day 1: Solaris Galapagos

After landing at Baltra airport, you will be taken to the Highlands, and see the agricultural zone of the Island. You will also spot the extinct volcanic cones now covered with grass and greenery, Then you will head back to the yacht for dinner and rest.

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Day 2: Solaris Galapagos

The first visit of the day will be to North Seymour an uplifted island, where you will be able to see Galapagos sea lions, blue footed boobies and magnificent frigate birds which are abundant on the Island.  In the afternoon, you will visit Mosquera islet, located between Baltra and North Seymour. This small islet is formed by a geological uplift with a reef of rocks and coral and a great sand beach, where you can spot a great colony of sea lions and sally light-foot crabs. After this visit you will head back to the yacht for dinner and rest.

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Day 3: Solaris Galapagos

Early in the morning, after breakfast you will visit Darwin Bay, a collpased crater that is now below sea level, and has a white coral sandy beach, hwere you can spot red - footed boobies, lava gulls, and lava herons. You will take a trail to this places ́edge and spot more species in the mangrove area, like sharp beaked gfinches, Galapagos doves and swallow- tailed gulls. In the afternoon, after lunch, you will visit El Barranco, also known as Prince Phillip Steps, you will climb to a plateu, where a big population of masked boobies reside, along with red footed boobies, storm petrels and short-eared owls. After this activity head back to the yacht for dinner and rest.

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Day 4: Solaris Galapagos

After breakfast you will visit South Plazas, that forms part of two islands known as Islas Plazas, where you will find various outstanding species like hybrid iguanas, the result of crossing a male marine iguana and a land female iguana. This big population resides here due to the presence of tunas, their favorite food. Swallow tailed gulls can also be seen in the cliffs, along with red billed tropicbirds and brown pelicans. In the afternoon you will visit Santa Fe, island that was formed from an uplift and is mostly flat. This place is also home of species like Galapagos Hawk, Galapagos snake, and two species of land iguanas. You may also have the opportunity to snorkel with playful sea lions and tropical fishes. After this activity head back to the yacht for dinner and rest.

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Day 5: End of Itinerary

Early in the morning you will begin with a visit to Kicker Rock or "Leon Dormido" in spanish; a rock formation, now split in two, where a large population of blue footed boobies, nazca boobies and frigate birds can be seen. You may also be able to snorkel here, with a great opportunity to see eagle rays, sea turtles and Galapagos Shark.  Then,  you will visit Witch Hill, a beautiful white coral beach where you can swim and snorkel. You can also watch various species like blue-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, herons, frigate birds and shore birds. Furthermore, you will see the Galapagos turtles and with luck, the little bird known as the Pájaro Brujo in Spanish, an endemic species in San Cristobal Island. Afterwards, you wil be transfered to the airport for your flight.

Lobería San Cristóbal

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