Day 1: Entebbe

On arrival at Entebbe International Airport you will be met by a our representative and transferred to your hotel. Set in the shores of Lake Victoria, Entebbe is a small town that is easy to explore on foot or local boda bodas(motorbike taxis). Explore the markets, hunt for souvenirsor crafts, meander through the Botanical Gardens or relax with a boat cruise on LakeVictoria. You’ll find a wide variety of restaurants, bars and clubs where you can sample the local beer, catch a game of football and meet the friendly locals. Your hotel is located adjacent to a shopping mall.

Day 2: Southern Queen Elizabeth National Park

Transfer to airport for your short flight to Mweya, from where you will explore Queen Elizabeth National Park. This park set in the Great Rift Valley is home to a wide variety of wildlife including elephants, lions, hippos, buffalo, Uganda kob, baboon, and many species of birds. With both a riverine and savannah habitat, the park includes the southern Ishasha area with its tree climbing lions and Maramagambo, one of the largest surviving natural forests in Uganda.


Day 3: Southern Queen Elizabeth National Park

Day at leisure to enjoy game viewing in Queen Elizabeth National Park, looking out for huge herds of buffalo, elephant and of course the famous tree-climbing lion typically found in the area.

Guests can enjoy late afternoon sundowners beside the Ntungwe River, or from a scenic viewing point along the ridge overlooking Ishasha. The activity includes local drinks and snacks, and also invites guests to drink in the vast vistas and atmosphere of this beautiful area of the park.

Activities and Services

Game Viewing in Queen Elizabeth Park

Day 4: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

A 2-3 hour drive through scenic country brings you to Bwindi Forest National Park. Time permitting, you may visit a Community Project en route. Immerse yourself in Agartha’s ‘Taste of Uganda’tour –it’s a fun, educational experience for the inquisitive visitor who wonders how a rural Ugandan lady lives. Watch how the local crops are transformed into local staples such as millet porridge andkalo bread.Continue to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, a World Heritage site. Bwindi is one of the richest ecosystems in East Africa and home to over 120 mammals, 345 species of birds, 200 species of butterflies and 160 species of trees. The park contains an estimated one half of the world’s population of the endangered Mountain Gorilla, making it an extremely valuable conservation site.

Day 5: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

One of the most humbling and enthralling wildlife experiences imaginable awaits your discovery. Coming face to face with an endangered mountain gorilla is something words cannot aptly describe. Please note that gorilla trekking is strenuous with treks ranging from 45mins up to eight hours, at high altitudes in hot African conditions.The thrill of the hour you spend quietly observing these gentle giants once you find them is well worth the hike to get there! Although mountain gorillas are wild animals and it should be noted that sightings cannot be guaranteed, viewing success rates are well over 95%. Head back to Buhoma Lodge for a complimentary massage after your trek, or explore the surrounding Bwindi community. Optional activities that may be enjoyed in and around the park include forest walks, visits to a local school or orphanage or Batwa pygmy village, and curio shopping.


Activities and Services

Gorilla Tracking

Day 6: Volcanoes National Park

From Bwindi, we drive through the ‘Little Switzerland of Africa’ along winding mountain roads, and through rural villages, to the border of Rwanda, Kisoro. Here, on a clear day, the Virungas can be seen ‘standing sentry’ along the border –a row of massive, dormant volcanoes watching over the region. It’s a long day –approx 7-8 hours on the road with a +-1 hour border crossing

Day 7: Volcanoes National Park

Trekking gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park is a very similar experience to that in Bwindi –just as challenging, equally memorable. If you’ve opted not to trek today, take a hike to Dian Fossey’s grave or enjoy forest walk with Golden Monkeys. You will only be able to enjoy one of these activities (as they all take place in the morning) and pre-booking is essential.

For more information on the difference in gorilla trekking see our gorilla page.

Day 8: End of Itinerary

After lunch, we drive to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, a bustling, clean and safe city. Optional visit to the haunting Genocide Museum. Drop off at airport –please book a late flight home or overnight in Kigali as option.

Activities and Services

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