Aida Maria 15 Days


Day 1: Galapagos Islands

Upon your arrival to Baltra Airport, you will be transferred to the Aida Maria Yacht. After lunch, you will visit Bachas beach, two small beaches made of decomposed coral, and a favorite nesting site for sea turtles. Behind one of the beaches there is a small brackish water lagoon, where you may see flamingos and other coastal birds, such as black-necked stilts and whimbrels. The other beach is longer, and has two old barges that were abandoned during the Second World War, when the USA used Baltra Island as a strategic point to protect the Panama Canal.

Full itinerary map here:


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Galapagos Islands




Day 2: Galapagos Islands

A wet landing at Darwin Bay, follow a trail to find red footed boobies, and great frigate birds trying to attract a female. You will also stumble upon Darwin’s Finches and native flora like mangroves and cactus. After lunch, the yacht will head to Prince Philip´s Steps (Barranco), where a steep climb takes you to a Palo Santo Forest and species like Nazca boobies & Storm Petrels. You will also have a panoramic view of all the Island from here.

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Galapagos Islands





Day 3: Galapagos Islands

We begin with a hike to enjoy the most amazing panoramic view at the Galapagos Islands. After, relax on the beach or take the opportunity to snorkel at the reef to see various fish, friendly sea lions, and sea turtles. In the afternoon, we visit Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island, to see fascinating giant lava formations, due to the recent formation of the island. Return to the yacht and dinner.

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Galapagos Islands





Day 4: Galapagos Islands

In the morning, we head to Black Turtle Cove, which is a red mangrove lagoon on Santa Cruz, and home to sharks, rays & turtles. After lunch, the yacht will navigate to Dragon Hill, where we make a dry landing on lava rocks. This site is a small bay on the west coast of Santa Cruz that got its name from the many land iguanas that live in the area. End of the day and dinner onboard.

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Cerro Dragon


Galapagos Islands





Day 5: Galapagos Islands

After breakfast we land at Santa Cruz Island, where you will visit the famous Charles Darwin Station, a non-profit institution that dedicates itself to studying and protecting the flora and fauna of the Galapagos, and a great place to see land tortoises. After lunch, we take a bus ride to Santa Cruz Highlands, which is a moisturerich area with fertile volcanic soils & lush vegetation. The main highlight here is to see giant tortoises in their natural habitat, & you may also spot bird species such as Darwin Finches, Yellow Warblers, and Bright Red Vermillion Flycatchers. 


Galapagos Islands





Day 6: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning we land at Cormorant Point, where you will be welcomed by a small Galapagos sea lion colony, and can visit two beaches: one with green sand containing olivine crystal, and the other a white coral beach. After this activity, head to Devil´s Crown, a sub-marine crater that offers some of the most spectacular snorkeling in the Galapagos. After lunch, we go to Post Office bay, established in 1793 by British whalers to send letters to and from England, and even today, visitors have the opportunity to send letters of their own.


Galapagos Islands





Day 7: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning head to Suarez Point, a basaltic cliff which forms a blowhole where water sprays high into the air. A hike to the top makes a great opportunity to take spectacular pictures, and spot sea lions, nesting sea birds (boobies & albatross), and Marine Iguanas. In the afternoon, the yacht will take you to the beautiful white sand beach at Gardner Bay to see lazing sea lions, and an opportunity to snorkel or swim.

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Galapagos Islands





Day 8: Galapagos Islands

The final visit of your cruise will be to Lobos Islet, a very small islet made of volcanic rocks that gets its name from the colony of Sea Lions (Lobo de Mar in Spanish) that lives there. We can observe the behavior and interaction of Sea Lions living in a small community. fter lunch, we visit San Cristobal Interpretation Center, where you will learn about the origin and colonization of the island, their native species and the conservation efforts that have been made to preserve them.

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Galapagos Islands





Day 9: Galapagos Islands

We disembark at South Plazas Island where you can find various species of land iguanas, and swallow-tailed gulls. Weather permiting we may swim or snorkel here too. After lunch head to Santa Fe, a great place to watch and swim with sea lions. This place is also the home to endemic species such as the Galapagos Hawk, Galapagos snake and a variety of finches. After this activity, dinner will be served onboard.

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Galapagos Islands





Day 10: Galapagos Islands

On day 10, you will visit Tortuga Bay with a guide start the walk of one hour more or less , during this you will have opportunity to see lots of different plants, flowers, lizards and birds. It is a great location for swimming and even surfing. Located south-west of the touristic town of Puerto Ayora on the Galapagos Island of Santa Cruz. It is considered by the majority of visitors as one of the most beautiful beaches in Galapagos. The sunsets here are just stunning. There are two beaches at Tortuga Bay, the main beach is used for surfing due to its strong waves. If you want to swim and just relax you can head to the west side of the beach where the waters are calm. The beaches are separated by Red Mangrove. Exotic and endemic plants of Galapagos Islands are also all around the beach. 

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Galapagos Islands





Day 11: Galapagos Islands

Our first visit in the morning will be to Sierra Negra Volcano on Isabela Island; this is a large shield volcano at the South eastern end of Isabela Island in the Galapagos that rises to an altitude of 1124m. We trek up to see the impressive old lava flows inside the caldera. In the afternoon after lunch, you will go to visit the wetlands, a mangrove area with small brackish water lagoons that create the perfect environment for a small type of shrimp that serves as the food for the island’s flamingos.


Galapagos Islands





Day 12: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning visit Moreno Point in the north coast of Isabela, between volcanoes Sierra Negra and Cerro Azul, through a trail of solidified lava until a coastal lagoon where you will see several species of birds. During the afternoon we go to Elizabeth Bay, the excursion has no landing point so we travel by zodiac. You will visit the Marielas islets to see the most important penguin colony and a cove that is surrounded by red mangroves where you can observe seas turtles, flightless cormorants, spotted eagle rays, brown pelicans and sea lions.

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Galapagos Islands





Day 13: Galapagos Islands

The day begins when you disembark at Espinoza Point on Fernandina Island, a site rich in wildlife, such as sea lions, penguins, flightless cormorants, crabs & herons, living in the native mangrove forest. This site is also home to one of the largest populations of marine iguanas. In the afternoon we visit Vicente Roca Point (Isabela Island), this site is a large bay with spectacular sea life. You will also have the opportunity to see penguins, blue footed boobies and Nazca boobies.

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Galapagos Islands





Day 14: Aida Maria

First activity of the day will be a wet landing at James Bay, also known as Puerto Egas. An easy walk takes you to observe iguanas and sea lions along the coast line. We may also swim or snorkel here. In the afternoon, we head to Rabida Island, where lavas rich in iron have turned the sand red. There is a Galapagos sea lion nursery, and nesting area for brown pelicans. We may also practice snorkeling at the beach. End of the day and dinner.


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Day 15: End of Itinerary

Early in the morning we visit North Seymour to see the various species of birdlife that inhabit the island, such as blue footed boobies and frigate birds. Afterwards we land at Puerto Ayora and are transferred to Baltra Airport to take your flight back to the continent.

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