Day 1: Entebbe

On arrival at Entebbe International Airport you will be met by a our representative and transferred to Hotel No.5

Set on the shores of Lake Victoria, Entebbe is a small town that is easy to explore on foot or local boda bodas (motorbike taxis).

Enjoy an afternoon motorised canoe boat cruise of Mabamba Swamp, a large wetland that is a favourable habitat for 260 recorded species of bird, making it a popular location for birders who may just spot the intriguing Shoebill – a rare sight indeed! The trip takes around 3-4 hours.


Day 2: Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Transfer from hotel to Entebbe airport to scheduled light aircraft flight to Kisoro. Transfer from Kisoro airstrip to Lake Chahafi Resort,

Day 3: Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mount Gahinga hike

Gahinga is a dormant volcano in the Virunga Mountain Range on the border between Rwanda and Uganda. Gahinga lies between Muhabura and Sabyinyo and it is the smallest of all. Gahinga Volcano a swampy area on its peak and the swampy area is about 180 meters wide.

Mount Gahinga, whose elevation is 3,474 meters, is part of a chain of 5 volcanic mountains of the Volcano National Park. The volcano chain spans across Uganda, Rwanda and the RDC. The vegetation across the mountain is composed of the bamboo making the main vegetation. Like Muhabura and Sabyinyo the bamboo forests on Mount Gahinga are a habitat of the endangered mountain Gorillas. On top of the famous mountain gorillas, Gahinga is almost home to several other species of animals and birds that form part of the Mount Gahinga ecosystem. The equally endangered golden monkeys are an example of that ecosystem.

This climb takes around six hours in total including ascent and descent. Mt Gahinga is topped by a swamp-filled crater and giant lobelia. Lucky climbers may spot golden monkeys on their climb through the bamboo forest.

Activities and Services

Mt Gahinga Volcano Hike

Day 4: Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

The dense forest at the foot of the Virunga Volcanoes was once home to the Batwa people: hunter-gatherers and fierce warriors who depended on the forest for shelter, food and medicine thanks to ancient knowledge passed down through many generations. Step back in time to see how the Batwa lived and hunted for millennia in Mgahinga. Share a traditional meal, listen to ancient legends and traditional songs, and join in on a mock hunting party. You can even test your skill with a Batwa bow and arrow.

The funds from this tour are part of a give back program that supports the indigenous people’s cultural heritage by helping them purchase new land, provide education and books.

Sunrise at Lake Chahafi Resort balcony view with a lake Bush setup

Activities and Services

Batwa Trail Hike

Day 5: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

The Bwindi Impenetrable National Park’s mist-covered hillsides are blanketed by one of Uganda's oldest and most biologically diverse rainforest, which dates back over 25,000 years and contains almost 400 species of plants. This "impenetrable forest" also protects an estimated 400 mountain gorillas - including several habituated families. This biologically diverse region also provides shelter to a further 120 species of mammal, including several primate species such as baboons and chimpanzees, as well as elephants and antelopes. There are around 350 species of birds hosted in this forest, including 23 Albertine Rift endemics.

The Nkuringo Buhoma walking trail is a wonderfully immersive way of travelling from the Southern to Northern sectors of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. While your driver heads off on a long windy road with your luggage to your next stop, Buhoma Lodge, explore this primal forest on a 3-4 hour trail cutting right across the park. 

Activities and Services

Nkuringa Trail

Day 6: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Few words can describe the thrill of today’s lifetime experience! Coming face to face with mountain gorillas is a rare wildlife encounter that is exhilarating, humbling and enthralling. Experienced guides and trackers will accompany your party on an early morning trek into the dense rain forest on the steep mountain slopes. Please note that gorilla tracking is strenuous with treks ranging from 45 minutes and up to eight hours, at  altitude and in sometimes hot African conditions.

The thrill of the hour you spend quietly observing these gentle giants once you find them is so worth the trek! Although mountain gorillas are wild animals and sightings cannot be guaranteed, viewing success rates are over 95%.

Head back to Buhoma Lodge for a complimentary massage after your trek, or explore the surrounding Bwindi community (US$30pp)

Activities and Services

Gorilla Tracking



Bwindi Community Visit

Day 7: End of Itinerary

After breakfast transfer to the local airstrip for your flight to Entebbe.

End of service.

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