Day 1: La Paz

Arrival to La Paz Airport, transfer your accommodation and check in. Free day to relax and take it easy, maybe explore a little this high city. 

Note: La Paz is really high so it is best to do everything slow the first days. Drink a lot of water, eat light, avoid alcohol and donĀ“t rush!

Day 2: La Paz

At 8 am, Tiwanaku Day Trip

After 1 hour and a half ride you will reach this pre Columbian ruins, surrounded by beautiful nature. The ancient city and culture of Tiwanaku is supposed to be one of the most important in the American continent. It is believed that they were even more advanced in pottery, astronomy and math than the neighboring Incas. If you are traveling further north you will see Tiwanacu influence in the archaeological sites of Peru. After a visit to the uncovered ruins (there is a lot that is being uncovered but is not open to the public), the tour returns to La Paz and will leave you at you hostel or hotel at about 4 pm. You will be amazed to learn how this ancient people used to live and what they believed, so different from us nowadays.

Activities and Services

Day 3: La Paz

Free day in La Paz to visit the old town.

Day 4: Copacabana

Check out, go on your own to the bus station to take the bus to Copacabana, a small town at the shores of Lake Titicaca. After 3 hours ride, arrival to town and check in. 
At 2.30 pm,  you will go for a light hike to Kasanani Hill, beautiful and ancient astronomical observation site built by the Incas to follow the movement of the sun and the moon and calculate eclypses and follow the change of seasons. 200 m from there you will find the Intikala temple, or Stone of the Sun, a series of big  seats carved in stone. Then you will visit the Cathedral of the Virgen de Copacabana, that holds inside the image of the Holy Mary carved by an Inka in 1583. After that, you will reach the summit of the hill so see great views of the Titicaca lake and surroundings. Back to hotel and dinner. 

Day 5: Isla del Sol, Copacabana

At 8 am you will take a boat to the northern part of the Isla del Sol, arriving at 10.30 am to the comunity of Challapampa. You will visit the Gold Museum and then you will walk for half an hour to the Inca Chincana Ruins, to later reach the Table of Stone. Along the island many archaeological sites can be seen with one highlight: the Sacred Rock or the Rock of the Origins where according to the legend, Manco Capac and Mama Occlo departed to stablish the city of Cusco later on. At mid day, back to the Port to have lunch. 
At 2 pm you will board the boat to begin the trip to the south of the island, stopping at Yumani port to see the boats made of "totora" (cattail in english). From the port, you will  hike up to the village of Yumani at the south end of the Isla del Sol, passing by a series of inca ruins and 3 sacred springs of water. Yumani is an aymara comunity that built its town on top of an inca site with streets and walls made of stone. At the summit you will see the sunset, back to hotel and dinner.

Day 6: End of Itinerary

After breakfast, walk down to the port through another route to pass by the ruins of the palace of Polkokaina and the Temple of the Sun. Back to Copacabana at 11.30 am with time to catch the bus to La Paz.  The bus to La Paz takes about 3 hours

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