Moremi Magic

Day 1: Moremi Game Reserve

Maun - Moremi Game Reserve

"Dumela / Hello! Welcome to Botswana!" After your arrival at Maun airport you will be warmly welcomed. You will meet your pilot for your breathtaking sightseeing flight over the Okavango Delta and Chief's Island. This flight offers you a view of this amazing ecosystem from the osprey's point of view. When you land on the remote bush track in Moremi Game Reserve, your ranger will provide you with a snack package on arrival and take you on a game drive to your mobile camp in the Xakanaxa / Third Bridge area. The friendly, attentive staff will help you feel right at home and tell you what to look forward to on your safari. The magic of a mobile camp comes at sunset and you can enjoy drinks around an open campfire before dinner under the stars. To the sounds of the African bush, your first night in the wilderness begins.

Day 2: Moremi Game Reserve

Moremi Game Resort - 3rd Bridge oder Xakanaxa

A typical safari day in the bush

Safari day starts with sunrise. Your wake-up call will be between 5 and 6 a.m. with a gentle "Koko" (knock in Setswana) at the entrance of your tent. A staff member fills your sink with steaming hot water and freshly prepared tea and coffee is served around the campfire. A light breakfast is served before the early morning game drive. This includes tea, coffee, juice, zwieback, fruit, cereals, toast and jams - just enough to boost your energy without taking up too much of the golden hours of the early morning as these are the best times of the day to observe animals. Later, when the temperature rises, many of them retreat into the shade before becoming active again in the late afternoon.

After spending the morning exploring the surrounding wilderness in search of Botswana's hidden treasures, you return to the camp for lunch under a shady tree (if the elephants haven't knocked it over by now!). Lunch usually consists of salads, bread (freshly baked over the campfire), cold cuts and pickles. Just as the animals retreat to escape the heat of noon, we recommend that you do the same. This is your chance to catch up on your reading, write about your adventures in your diary, have a siesta - or all three! 

Later in the afternoon, you'll head out into the wilderness again as the animals begin to leave the shady bushes to eat and drink. When the sun falls below the horizon, you will marvel at the sheer splendour of the African sunset and toast to the beauty of nature. This is best done with the traditional choice of sundowners: a Gin & Tonic.

After returning to camp, enjoy a hot shower under the stars and then gather around the warmth of the campfire to experience the events of the day with your fellow travellers. A three-course menu of South African wines is served under the magic canopy of the African night sky. Listen carefully and you can hear lions roar, hyenas scream - or smaller creatures rustling in the nearby leaves. We can safely say that Botswana beef is the best in the world - and the slowly cooked potjie is just as delicious. And to say nothing of the delicious dessert! 

You retire to your tent after enjoying your nightcap around the campfire and fall asleep to the voices of the African wilderness.

Day 3: Khwai Community Area

Moremi Game Reserve - Khwai area

On days when we move to a new campsite, the safari team will leave the camp, then travel to the next campsite and prepare everything for you. On the way between the camps we choose routes through particularly beautiful wildlife areas. This means that each transfer is actually an extended game drive.

A picnic lunch will be served at a picturesque location during the trip. In the afternoon at the latest you will reach the new camp and the relaxing safari routine will start again.

Day 4: Khwai Community Area

Moremi Game Reserve - Khwai area

Today is again a relaxed full of impressions in the African wilderness. You will follow the routine of the bush with an early wake up with a game drive, a siesta after lunch and an afternoon stalk with a sundowner. After dark, a dinner under the stars, followed by drinks and stories around the campfire.

Day 5: Khwai Community Area

Moremi Game Reserve - Khwai area

Their last full day in the wilderness begins as always early. The wonderful safari routine is still on the agenda today. You will have the opportunity to see animals that have never been seen before.

In the evening we will end the day with drinks and stories around the campfire.

Day 6: End of Itinerary

Moremi Game Reserve - Maun

After breakfast we return to civilization. On the way you will be served lunch before your safari ends at 13:00 at the airport. From here you will either return to Europe or start your further program.

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