Siona Lodge 4 Days


Day 1: Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve

Transfer from Lago Agrio to Cuyabeno Bridge, which is the entrance to Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve. Trip in motorized canoe down river to the lodge. Box lunch on route. The Naturalist guide will give information about the Reserve, and along the way you may also see several species native to this ecosystem, such as monkeys, toucans, parrots, among others. Arrival to the lodge in thelate afternoon. Evening activities include a night walk in the primary forest to observe amphibians and reptiles, and dinner.




Day 2: Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve

After an early breakfast, depart to Puerto Bolivar Siona Community, where you will learn about their customs, traditions and way of life. You will also be able to participate in the elaboration of “Casave”, a local dish prepared from yucca. A visit to the Shaman of the community is also included. After lunch with the members of the community, return to the lodge for an early night navigation looking for caiman alligators. Dinner and rest.





Day 3: Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve

After breakfast, we begin a trek in the primary rainforest, where you will be able to explore the beautiful and complex tropical ecosystem, and see a variety of species of plants, trees and animal life. Lunch back at the lodge. During the early afternoon you will visit Laguna Grande, to enjoy a swim and a beautiful sunset. Dinner and rest.





Day 4: End of Itinerary

Early wakeup call to go birdwatching (this activity is optional). Head back to the lodge for breakfast. Departure back to Cuyabeno bridge by river and transfer out to Lago Agrio.



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