Day 1: Kruger National Park


Check in time for Rhino Post Safari Lodge is between 13h00 and 15h00.  

Many of our guests fly into Skukuza Airport and make use of a 25 - 40 minute road transfer to the lodge, or fly into Nelspruit (Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport) from where the transfer time to the lodge is approximately 2 ½ - 3 hours. 

For those who wish to undertake the approximately six-hour self-drive from Johannesburg, we recommend you leave at around 07h00 to allow for a rest-stop or photographic opportunities along the way.

Should your journey begin at Rhino Walking Safaris, please ensure that you reach Rhino Post Safari Lodge by 13h00 for your transfer at 14h00 in an open 4x4 game vehicle to Plains Camp (home of Rhino Walking Safaris).  

Upon arrival 

Upon arrival at Rhino Post Safari Lodge you will be greeted by our friendly front-of-house team and welcomed with a chilled home-brewed iced tea or drink from the bar on our main deck overlooking the dry river bed before you are shown to your suite. 

Guests are offered a high tea at 15h30 in the lounge overlooking the waterhole in front of the lodge before departing for an afternoon / evening game drive at 16h00. Our high teas offer a selection of savoury snacks and cakes as well as teas, coffee and fruit juices.

Game drive safaris at Rhino Post Safari Lodge are conducted by professional guides in specially adapted open 4x4 vehicles.

In addition to game viewing within our wilderness concession we have the exclusive use of 170 kilometres of road within the KNP after dark when other visitors are confined to camp.

In order to preserve the environmental integrity of our concession and the KNP we do not drive off demarcated roads.

Our afternoon drives stop for sundowner drinks and snacks at sunset before continuing into the night in search of wildlife, particularly predominantly nocturnal species. 

The drives return to the lodge in time for guests to freshen up and enjoy a drink before a sumptuous dinner on the deck or in the dining room. Dinner is sometimes complimented by even more game viewing as animals come down to the waterhole to drink and smaller creatures, such as genets or owls, occasionally pop by the deck whilst on forays for their dinner.

Additional Extras:

In–room massages

In-room massages are available at an extra cost and pre-booking is required. Indulge in a massage in the privacy of your room, or on your deck overlooking the riverbed. We offer a variety of massages which are listed on our menu. 



Rates Include: Accommodation, meals (brunch, high tea and dinner), teas and coffees and two game drives per day.                         




Rates Exclude: Transfers, park fees, laundry, items of a personal nature and all drinks except on the evening game drive. Each guest will receive a complimentary glass of wine, local beer, cider or soft drink on the drive.       


Day 2: Kruger National Park

Each morning at the lodge you will receive an early wake-up call, although you won’t beat the birds out of bed, and will have time for a cup of tea or coffee, fruit, muffins or biscotti before heading out on your game drive.

The ideal time for game viewing is early morning and the late afternoon and evening as this is when many wild animals and birds are most active.

On the drive you may encounter a wide range of wildlife and your guide will surprise you by spotting animals and birds that those unused to the bush may not even notice. Every game drive is an adventure and each has its own special moments. 

Sometimes you may spot elephants quietly feeding under giant Jackal berry trees along a river bank and at other times you may be lucky enough to see a tiny Pearl-spotted owl calling loudly from the top of a small bush, even in daylight! Everything you see on a drive has a story attached to it and your guides will share their knowledge of not only the mammals and birds but also reptiles, insects, flowers and trees.

Midway through your game drive, your guide will stop for a tea or coffee break before returning to the lodge.

Once back at the lodge, brunch will be served, and our lodge managers will happily help out with answering any questions you may have about what you have seen on the drive or about life in the bush.

Brunch is usually served between 10h00 and 10h30 but this is dependent on the season and the length of the morning drive. 


At 14h00 you will be transferred by 4x4 to Plains Camp (home of Rhino Walking Safaris), a trip which takes about 30 minutes and is a mini-game drive in itself.

On arrival

After settling into your 19th century explorer-style luxury tent and being shown around the camp, high tea is served followed by a briefing by your guide on the ‘do’s & don’ts’ of bush walking by your guide. 

Rhino Walking Safari guides meet the stringent requirements of the South African National Parks (SANParks) and our senior staff are amongst the best available. All walks are led by two armed guides.

After the guides have been through the safety precautions, you will set off on a short introductory walk which is always an exhilarating experience.

You will later return to the vehicle in time for sundowners and enjoy a short night drive before returning to camp. 

Activities and Services

Game Drive

Walking Safari



Rates Include: Accommodation, meals (brunch, high tea and dinner), teas and coffees and two game drives per day.                     

PLAINS CAMP (home of Rhino Walking Safaris) & SLEEPOUT: 

Rates Include: Accommodation, meals (brunch, high tea and dinner), cold drinks, house wine and local beers, teas & coffees, morning walk and afternoon walk/game drive. Transfer from Rhino Post Safari Lodge to Plains Camp at specific times.               



Rates Exclude: Transfers, park fees, laundry, items of a personal nature and all drinks except on the evening game drive. Each guest will receive a complimentary glass of wine, local beer, cider or soft drink on the drive.                         


PLAINS CAMP (home of Rhino Walking Safaris) & SLEEPOUT: 

Rates Exclude: Transfers, early or late transfers, park fees, laundry, items of a personal nature, spirits, liqueurs, imported beers and premium wines.           

Day 3: Kruger National Park

All walking trails are enjoyed in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid the midday heat, with the average duration of the morning walk being between 3 and 4 hours. 

During the morning walk there is a stop for a rest and light snack.

The length of the evening walk depends on the time of the year, but usually lasts not more than an hour and is typically combined with a short game drive. Some guests prefer to opt out of the walk and go on a game drive instead, but this can only be done if all the guests at the camp agree. 

On each walking safari our guides will share their wealth of “bush culture’’ - not only identifying flora and fauna but also explaining the medicinal uses of plants, local folk lore and interpreting wildlife tracks in the sand.

Walking through the bush heightens all the senses and offers visitors unrivalled opportunities to become immersed in the rhythms of nature. The alarm calls of Red-billed oxpeckers may alert your guide to an old buffalo feeding in the reeds along a riverbed, a porcupine quill reveals that Africa’s largest rodent foraged along a trail during the night and the fresh tracks of a pride of lions means that the vultures may soon be in business. 

Although game drives offer the opportunity to get very close to wild animals this is not the case when people are walking in the bush; animals scent or see humans on foot very quickly. While this means that it is more difficult to get close to animals, being on foot is considered by many people to be more rewarding because the walker encounters animals on their own terms, just as would have happened before vehicles existed. The tracking of animals and immersion of senses in the sounds and smell of the bush, and even the feel of leaves or tree bark, creates a true sense of being part of the environment.

A hearty brunch is served after getting back from the morning walk.  Choose to take the opportunity to cool off in in the plunge pool or simply relax on the deck while doing some more game-watching over the Timbetene Plain.

High tea is followed by an afternoon walk and short evening game drive. 

Drinks around the fire, followed by dinner complete the day.

Activities and Services

Walking Safari

Walking Safari


PLAINS CAMP (home of Rhino Walking Safaris) & SLEEPOUT: 

Rates Include: Accommodation, meals (brunch, high tea and dinner), cold drinks, house wine and local beers, teas & coffees, morning walk and afternoon walk/game drive. Transfer from Rhino Post Safari Lodge to Plains Camp at specific times.               


PLAINS CAMP (home of Rhino Walking Safaris) & SLEEPOUT: 

Rates Exclude: Transfers, early or late transfers, park fees, laundry, items of a personal nature, spirits, liqueurs, imported beers and premium wines.           

Day 4: Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Your itinerary will be tailor-made for your individual travel arrangements and exact timings will depend on the travelling arrangements.

After a light snack and tea or coffee you’ll be taken on another safari walk. After the walk there will be the chance to freshen up and brunch will be served. You’ll then be transferred Rhino Post Safari Lodge for check out. 

Depending on your travel arrangements, you may need to forego the morning activity at Plains Camp (home of Rhino Walking Safaris). 


There are many travel options to get from Kruger National Park to Victoria Falls.

  1. Fly directly from Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport (KMIA) to Livingstone.
  2. Fly directly from Skukuza to Johannesburg, overnight in Johannesburg and fly from there to Livingstone or Victoria Falls.
  3. Fly directly to Cape Town from Skukuza – spend a few nights in Cape Town, and then fly directly from Cape Town to Victoria Falls or Livingstone.
  4. Self drive back to Johannesburg, and then fly to Victoria Falls the following day.
  5.  You may also choose to overnight at another destination before continuing your journey with us.

It is worth noting that should you be flying directly from Mpumalanga International Airport to Livingstone, or directly from Skukuza to Cape Town, you will have to forgo your morning activity, and we would need to ensure an early morning transfer is pre booked.

Your itinerary will be tailor-made for your individual travel arrangements and exact timings will depend on the travelling arrangements.

Once in Zimbabwe

The flights from Johannesburg and Cape Town to Victoria Falls and Livingstone, usually arrive around lunch time.


There are two ways to reach Chundu Island from Victoria Falls, but neither is a boring commute. You could opt to take the 1 hour 30-minute road transfer which is in effect, a game drive through the Zambezi National Park. On arrival at the pick-up point on the banks of the Zambezi, you will take a five-minute barge ride to the island. 

For a more adventurous transfer, take a 40-minute boat transfer up the Zambezi River and twist and turn your way over the water passing hippos and crocodiles along the way, not to mention the occasional elephant along the banks. Here and there, the brilliant blue flash of a tiny Malachite kingfisher flying just above the water or the call of the Fish Eagle will whet your appetite for what lies ahead at Chundu Island.

The island is home to magnificent riverine trees, a wide variety of birdlife, bushbuck, Vervet monkeys and other wildlife.

On arrival

As always, our friendly staff will be there to greet you. While enjoying a welcome drink, they will explain what awaits you during your stay.

To fully enjoy the remote island lifestyle and varied attractions at Chundu, we recommend that our guests stay for three to five nights. 

We offer a wide variety of activities and each evening our guides discuss the options available for the next morning with guests. There is also an activities board in the reception where you may check times and activities.

Two activities per day are included in the rate.

Choices include:

Game drives in open 4x4 vehicles in the Zambezi National Park

Taking a guided walk in the Zambezi National Park. All guides are armed

Paddling on the river in stable inflatable canoes

Going on a guided walk around the island (a must for birders!)

Taking a slow boat trip down the river, and, for those who enjoy angling, casting a line in the water in the hope of catching a ferocious Tiger fish (and we support catch-and-release with all species)

For the serious angler we can arrange professionally guided fishing charters

And of course, there is the choice of no activity at all and simply having a massage (to be pre-booked the previous afternoon) or relaxing at the swimming pool with what we consider the best view in Africa.

Depending on your time of arrival, you may choose to undertake an activity suggested by our staff or simply relax.

Sunset cruises on the river are offered every day and dinner is served thereafter from 19h30 until 21h00.

After dinner you will be escorted to your room by a guard who keeps an eye out for any hippo or elephant who may have decided to pay the lodge a visit, something they do from time to time.


Children's Activities

Pre-booked in-room Massage


Canoe the Zambezi River

Sundowner Cruises

Guided Island Walk

Guided Safari Walk

Game Drives

Fun Fishing



Rates Include: Accommodation, all meals, teas & coffees, soft drinks, local brand drinks from the bar, two activities per day and basic “bush laundry” (hand wash, dry and fold). Transfers from Zambezi National Park gate to Chundu Island (mid-day transfers). 

Included Activities (dependent on availability): Morning game drives (max 8), evening game drives (max 8), canoeing (max 6), sundowner cruise, river cruise, bushwalks (max 6) and fun fishing. 



Rates Exclude: Park fees, early, late or unspecified transfers, premium spirits, liqueurs, imported beers and cellar wines. 

Excluded Activities: Professional guided fishing.

Day 5: Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Depending on your plans for the day, you can request a wake-up call from your guide the evening before, or hang the “Please Do Not Disturb” sign on your door for a languid lie in.  Those participating in early morning activities will enjoy a light continental breakfast before departing followed by a full breakfast on return or a brunch can also be arranged, depending on the timing and duration of your chosen activity.

Lunch is served from 12h30 until 14h00 which leaves more than enough time for an afternoon siesta or your choice of activity.


Children's Activities

Pre-booked in-room Massage


Canoe the Zambezi

Sundowner Cruises

Guided Island Walk

Guided Safari Walk

Game Drives

Fun Fishing



Rates Include: Accommodation, all meals, teas & coffees, soft drinks, local brand drinks from the bar, two activities per day and basic “bush laundry” (hand wash, dry and fold). Transfers from Zambezi National Park gate to Chundu Island (mid-day transfers). 

Included Activities (dependent on availability): Morning game drives (max 8), evening game drives (max 8), canoeing (max 6), sundowner cruise, river cruise, bushwalks (max 6) and fun fishing. 



Rates Exclude: Park fees, early, late or unspecified transfers, premium spirits, liqueurs, imported beers and cellar wines. 

Excluded Activities: Professional guided fishing.

Day 6: Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Depending on your plans for the day, you can request a wake-up call from your guide the evening before, or hang the “Please Do Not Disturb” sign on your door for a languid lie in.  Those participating in early morning activities will enjoy a light continental breakfast before departing followed by a full breakfast on return or a brunch can also be arranged, depending on the timing and duration of your chosen activity.

Lunch is served from 12h30 until 14h00 which leaves more than enough time for an afternoon siesta or your choice of activity.


Children's Activities

Pre-booked in-room Massage


Canoe the Zambezi

Sundowner Cruise

Guided Island Walk

Guided Safari Walk

Game Drive

Fun Fishing



Rates Include: Accommodation, all meals, teas & coffees, soft drinks, local brand drinks from the bar, two activities per day and basic “bush laundry” (hand wash, dry and fold). Transfers from Zambezi National Park gate to Chundu Island (mid-day transfers). 

Included Activities (dependent on availability): Morning game drives (max 8), evening game drives (max 8), canoeing (max 6), sundowner cruise, river cruise, bushwalks (max 6) and fun fishing. 



Rates Exclude: Park fees, early, late or unspecified transfers, premium spirits, liqueurs, imported beers and cellar wines. 

Excluded Activities: Professional guided fishing.

Day 7: End of Itinerary

Breakfast will be served between 07h30 and 08h30 before you travel from Chundu Island through the Zambezi National Park. You will arrive at the drop off point at Zambezi House at 09h45 and from there you will be transferred to Victoria Falls or Livingstone Airports.

The chef at Chundu Island will pack a light meal for those who miss breakfast because of particularly early transfers.

PLEASE NOTE: The order of accommodation may change from that described above as it is dependent upon availability and the day of arrival. All activities are weather and access dependent. 



Rates Include: Accommodation, all meals, teas & coffees, soft drinks, local brand drinks from the bar, two activities per day and basic “bush laundry” (hand wash, dry and fold). Transfers from Zambezi National Park gate to Chundu Island (mid-day transfers). 

Included Activities (dependent on availability): Morning game drives (max 8), evening game drives (max 8), canoeing (max 6), sundowner cruise, river cruise, bushwalks (max 6) and fun fishing. 



Rates Exclude: Park fees, early, late or unspecified transfers, premium spirits, liqueurs, imported beers and cellar wines. 

Excluded Activities: Professional guided fishing.

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