Day 1: Solitaire

You will be met at your hotel at approximately 14h00 by driver. Depart from Windhoek and travel to the Küpferberg Pass. We drive through cattle farm land and hilly landscapes with splendid views of fertile valleys. Our journey continues via the scenic and steep Spreetshoogte Pass. Enjoy an undisturbed view from the top of one of the steepest passes in Namibia! A comfort stop will be made at the small settlement of Solitaire, before continuing to the beautifully set private nature reserve, :NamNau Habitat, which hosts a variety of desert adapted game like Springbok, ostrich, earth wolf, bat-eared fox and many more. Dinner and overnight at the lodge. 




Day 2: Solitaire, Sossusvlei

Enjoy early morning coffee and tea before departing for Sossusvlei, a fascinating world of ecology and unearthly geography. The route travels along the Tsauchab dry riverbed, which has found a way through the dunes until it reaches the vivid white clay saltpan, called Sossusvlei. After a good rainy season, approximately every 7-10 years, the Tsauchab River runs in full flood and fills the Vlei with water, offering sensational scenery with prolific birdlife. The early morning sun offers spectacular pastel colours in the star-shaped dunes. The first stop will be at Dune 45 before continuing to Sossusvlei. Climb one of the dunes – there are plenty – and you might be overwhelmed by the sight of the dynamic and living desert! Breakfast will be served as a picnic under one of the shady camel thorn trees. Afterwards, walk over patches of dunes until you reach the base of the ‘Dead Vlei’, another pan where water once flowed, but all that remains today are the skeletons of trees. Visit the rugged Sesriem Canyon before returning to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoon join a guided nature drive to the ‘marble mountain’ (drinks for own account) or relax on your veranda and enjoy a spectacular sunset.



Day 3: End of Itinerary

After a healthy breakfast, depart for Windhoek, travelling via the Remhoogte Pass, which boasts a variety of vegetation. It’s also possible to travel via the Spreetshoogte Pass, depending on weather and road conditions. Arrive in Windhoek at approximately 12h30



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