The Pearl of Africa - Highlights of Uganda


Day 1: Kampala

Day 1: Arrival – Kampala

Driving Times: 40km/1hr

Upon arrival at Entebbe International Airport, you will be met by our representative and transferred to Kampala, (approx.1hr drive depending on the traffic)

Overnight-Cassia Lodge

Meal Plan: Bed and Breakfast

Day 2: Murchison Falls National Park

Day 2: Kampala - Murchison Falls National Park

Driving Time: 350km /6-7hours

Today we will depart for the most beautiful protected area in Uganda: Murchison Falls National Park. En route we will make a stop at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, home to the only wild rhinos in Uganda. The reserve was created to reintroduce rhinos to the country which have been extinct since 1982. Together with a guide you will track the rhinos and observe them in their habitat at a very close and safe distance. Have lunch at the Rhino sanctuary and thereafter we will drive to Murchison Falls National Park and drive for an hour deeper into the National Park to the site of Murchison Falls after which the park is named– one of Uganda most beautiful sights.

Overnight-Budongo Eco Lodge.

Meal Plan: Full Board

Day 3: Missing Point

After an early breakfast we start the day with a game drive on the northern bank of the Nile, with chances of seeing Rothschild Giraffe, elephants, lions, Jackson Hartebeest, Oribis, Waterbucks, different species of the savannah woodland birds, and if lucky even the elusive leopard to top the Africa’s “The Big Five” amongst a multitude of African plains game. 

After lunch we will go on a Nile launch cruise to the bottom of the water falls for game viewing at close quarters, after the launch cruise we will drive to the top of the falls where you will be rewarded with amazing views of the Nile.

Day 4: Kibale Forest National Park

Day 4: Murchison Falls NP -  Kibale Forest National Park
Driving Time: 400km /7- 8 Hours

Enjoy a hearty breakfast and depart Murchison Falls National Park with your guide and head south to Fort Portal, with (packed) lunch en route. Fort portal rests in the shadow of the fabled ‘Mountains of the Moon’ and is famous for the many tea plantations. Check in for dinner, after dinner you can choose to have a nocturnal walk at an extra cost. Dinner and overnight.

Overnight-Primate Lodge Kibale
Meal Plan: Full Board

Day 5: Kibale Forest National Park

Today the forest opens its doors for a sensational chimpanzee tracking experience.

Following the pre-tracking briefing, you walk to the trailhead for the start of an unforgettable adventure – following in the footsteps of the habituated family of chimpanzees. En-route, your guide will enthral you with stories and facts about the forest and her other inhabitants including other primates and birds - like the Black & White (Guereza) Colobus and Red tailed Monkeys, Olive Baboon a number of bird species. You will spend an unforgettable hour with the chimpanzees watching them as they eat, groom, play, taking care of their young, and go through their daily routine in their natural habitat.

In the afternoon, you will embark on a guided nature walk through the Bigodi wetland.  Bigodi Swamp Walk is an initiative of the local community and is known for its rich diversity of birds and primates. The path and board walk maybe flooded and muddy after heavy rainfall and gumboots are recommended. The walk is about 4km in length, taking 3-4 hours at birding pace with local community guides. All proceeds from eco- tourism go back to into the community, a conservation project well worth supporting. Later return to the lodge for dinner and overnight.

Overnight-Primate Lodge Kibale
Meal Plan: Full Board

Kibale Chimp

Day 6: Southern Queen Elizabeth National Park

Day 6: Kibale Forest NP- Queen Elizabeth National Park. Activity Time: 3- 4 Hours, Driving Time: 185km /3 Hours

After early breakfast, we calmly head towards the south while passing the majestic foothills of the Rwenzori Mountains, also known as the “Mountains of the Moon”. En route we will explore the scenic crater lakes region that surrounds the dense forest of Kibale National Park. If not done on day 5. Continue to Queen Elizabeth National park; look out for game enroute to your lodge, check in at Elephant Plains Lodge.

Day 7: Southern Queen Elizabeth National Park

Day 7: Morning Game Drive & Boat Cruise

After breakfast, we shall head out for a morning game drive and head to the mating ground of the Uganda Kobs. We shall search for the lions, elephants, buffaloes and other wild animals in their natural habitat before returning to the lodge.

In the afternoon we take on a scenic boat cruise along the Kazinga Channel, a 33km long natural and pre-historic canal that joins Lakes Edward and Lake George. Formed by tectonic activity millions of years ago during the formation of the rift valleys, the canal, 2 to 3kms at its widest, is now the most dominant feature of Queen Elizabeth National Park and one her key tourist attractions.

On a scheduled boat ride over a 12km stretch from Mweya to the bird sanctuary (2hrs), guests are almost always guaranteed excellent wildlife sightings including large schools of hippopotamus, Nile crocodiles, wallowing buffaloes on its reedy banks, elephants, multitudes of birds including many endemics as well as numerous other plains game that come to drink at its water’s edge all day long.

Overnight: Elephant Plains Lodge
Meal Plan: Full Board


Day 8: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Day 8: Queen Elizabeth NP - Bwindi National Park .Driving Time: 225km /3- 4 Hours


After breakfast we head towards the south, passing the southern sector of the National Park. This part is called Ishasha and is famous for the tree climbing lions. After a short game drive in this area we continue to Bwindi. While driving through a verdant countryside, you will pass traditional homesteads and enjoy panoramic views. In the afternoon arrival in Bwindi National Park, home of the endangered mountain gorillas.


Overnight-Mahogany Springs
Meal Plan: Full Board

Day 9: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

Day 8: Gorilla Tracking in Bwindi National Park Trekking Time: (3-8 Hour)

Arise early today and prepare for the highlight of your safari, an unforgettable encounter with the gentle giants!

Following breakfast, transfer to the national park offices where you will be allocated a gorilla family in groups of 8 as well as a gorilla tracking guide.

Please remember to bring your passport for registration, appropriate, water proof hiking boots and a light rain coat. To protect from stinging nettles, we recommend long pants and long sleeved tops. A pair of old gardening gloves can help grabbing onto the vegetation while most hotels/lodges provide a walking stick that come in very handy especially when hiking downhill.  A small waterproof backpack is an excellent idea to carry a light snack, bottled water as well as protection for your camera.  After a pre-tracking briefing by your guide touching on the gorillas generally, your assigned gorilla family as well as appropriate safety precautions, you drive to the trailhead for the start of a thrilling adventure – participants can expect to walk long distances in steep and sometimes muddy conditions  with rain overhead, which can be tough and require a degree of fitness, however the thrill of coming face to face with a giant Mountain Gorilla silverback far more than makes up for the effort in their quest. Granted the time taken can be quite unpredictable taking anything from 2 to 8 hrs or longer.

Upon sighting the gorillas, you spend the allowed one hour with them as they go about their daily life; feeding, moving, playing, raising their young and sometimes wrestling by the juveniles – it is a totally unique and unforgettable experience!


Afterwards, you hike back to base and on to the lodge for a well-deserved shower and lunch or dinner depending on the time taken on the trek.

Overnight-Mahogany Springs.
Meal Plan: Full Board          

Day 10: Lake Mburo National Park

Day 9: Bwindi Impenetrable Np - Lake Mburo National Park. Driving Time: 250km /4 Hours            

After breakfast we depart the impenetrable forest of Bwindi and head to Lake Mburo National Park. As we enter the park it is likely that you will spot some wildlife. After checking in you will have a game drive, Have an early dinner before going on an optional (at extra fee) night game drive in an open Land rover with spot light. This special game drive of 2-3 hours provides good chances of seeing the elusive leopard and of course other nocturnal animals.

Overnight-Mihingo Lodge
Meal Plan: Full Board

Day 11: End of Itinerary

Day 10: Lake Mburo National Park – Kampala – Entebbe. Driving Time: 270km / 5 Hours

Morning nature walk, have breakfast and later head out to Entebbe where you will be dropped off for your international flight

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