Day 1: Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Your Zimbabwe Birding Expedition starts in the best way possible - right at the site of the mighty Victoria Falls! After touching down at Victoria Falls Airport, you will be greeted by true African hospitality and transferred to your accommodation at Ilala Lodge where you will spend the first 2 nights of the trip of a lifetime. Explore the local town on your first afternoon or ask us about other exciting activities on offer. 

Get the binoculars, bird books and cameras ready as day 2 brings the first full day of your birding safari in Zimbabwe.


Expert tips


Popular optional activities on offer in Victoria Falls include a scenic Helicopter Flight, Flying Fox (Cable Slide), Gorge Swing, Bungee Jumping, Zip Lining, Bridge Slide as well as the Canopy Tour. Pre-booking is recommended to avoid disappointment. All activities are subject to availability and may require a minimum amount of passengers to operate. Certain activities only operate at specific times of the year. Please contact our reservation office for further information and booking.  Should you wish to partake in an activity that is not listed below, we will gladly assist you. 

Day 2: Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Day 3: Western Hwange National Park

After a scrumptious breakfast on day 3, you leave the Falls and are transferred to your accommodation within the vast expanse of Hwange National Park. 

For the next three nights, you will wake up and fall asleep to the songs of the countless different birds of this natural paradise as well as spend time in different hides, the perfect place for bird spotting. You will also get up close and personal with a myriad of other animals, big and small, on game drives in this iconic Zimbabwe park. 

Your Zimbabwe Birding Expeditions comes to an end after breakfast on day 6. We will make sure you are back at Victoria Falls Airport in time for your departure flight. 

What are you waiting for? Spread your wings and fly!

Activities and Services

Day 4: Western Hwange National Park

Activities and Services

Day 5: Western Hwange National Park

Activities and Services

Day 6: End of Itinerary

Our safari ends after breakfast. You will be transferred to Victoria Falls Airport in time for your departure flight. We hope to welcome you again one day on another of our African adventures!

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