Evolution In the Steps of Pirates & Darwin 8 Days - Itinerary A


Day 1: Galapagos Islands

Upon your arrival to the airport in Baltra Island, you will take a boat ride to be transferred to Evolution Cruise Ship. After settling in the yacht and lunch, you will head to the first visiting site, Daphne Minor. This spot is a tuff cone of compressed volcanic ash, situated at the north coast of Santa Cruz Island, you will take a zodiac ride around this place and see several species from afar, like blue-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, magnificent frigate birds and more. You'll also have the opportunity to observe short-eared owls and red-billed tropicbirds. End of the day and dinner onboard.

Full itinerary map here: http://bit.ly/evolution-8-days-in-the-steps-of-pirates

Activities and Services


Galapagos Islands




Day 2: Galapagos Islands

At the beginning of the day you will head to Isabela Island, and the first point to visit by a panga ride will be Vicente Roca Point, that its formed by two coves with a bay well protected from the ocean swells, and where you will see masked and blue footed boobies and is also a nice snorkeling site, while doing this activity you can spot sea lions, turtles and spotted eagle rays. During the afternoon you will head to Espinoza Point at Fernandina Island, where a number of unique Galapagos species can be seen in close proximity, like blue and lava herons, a great colony of marine iguanas and sea lions. You can also snorkel or kayak at this spot.

Activities and Services


Galapagos Islands





Day 3: Galapagos Islands

The first activity of the day will be the visit to Urbina Bay, located west of Isabela ́s Island Alcedo Volcano, this is a great place to snorkel, and spot native species like land iguanas, Darwin ́s finches and Galapagos Tortoises. During the afternoon, you will head to Tagus Cove, that was used as an anchorage for pirates and whalers in past centuries, the cove’s quiet waters make for an ideal zodiac ride beneath its sheltered cliffs, where blue-footed boobies, brown noddies, and pelicans make their nests. From the landing point, you can take a stairway to Darwin Lake a perfectly round saltwater crater, barely separated from the ocean but above sea level. From this point, you will have a spectacular view of the landscape. You can also snorkel at this place.

Activities and Services


Galapagos Islands





Day 4: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning, the ship will land at Bartholomew Island, famous for its pinnacle rock, a towering spearheaded obelisk that rises from the ocean’s edge and is the best known landmark in the Galapagos. A perfectly crescent sandy beach lies just to the east of the pinnacle and across a narrow isthmus another beach mirrors this one to the south. Sea turtles use both beaches and another to the west of the Pinnacle as nesting sites, you can also spot penguins at this place. This site is perfect for snorkeling too. Then, you will visit Sullivan Bay, the result of an eruption back in 1987 that formed a lava floor like an obsidian sculpture. After these activities, head back to the cruise for dinner.

Activities and Services


Galapagos Islands





Day 5: Galapagos Islands

After breakfast, the first visiting site will be Las Bachas, comprised of two sandy white-coral beaches that is are major egg-laying sites for sea turtles. This place used to be a strategic site to Protect Panama Channel during WWII. You can snorkel and enjoy a swim at this spot. During the afternoon, head to Rabida Island, where you will visit a red sand beach, product of the volcanic material found in the sand. A sea lion colony resides in this island, as well as flamingoes that inhabit in a lagoon located behind the beach, you can also kayak or snorkel in this island. After these activities head back to the ship for dinner.


Activities and Services


Galapagos Islands





Day 6: Galapagos Islands

First activity of the day will be landing at Santa Cruz Island ́s Puerto Ayora. In this island, you will visit Charles Darwin Station, the center of the great restorative efforts taking place in the park, you will also head to the Giant Tortoise Breeding & Rearing Program run by the research station, which began by rescuing the endangered tortoise species of the Archipelago. During the afternoon, you will take a bus ride to Santa Cruz Highlands, specifically to the Wild Tortoise Reserve where you will have chances to track and view giant tortoises in their natural setting. You will also visit the Twin Craters, two large sinkholes crater that were formed by collapsed lava tubes and is one of the most amazing landscapes in the entire Archipelago.


Galapagos Islands





Day 7: M/V Evolution

Early in the morning, the first stop will be at Suarez Point at Hood Island, where a great variety of wildlife can be seen, like sea lions with their pups, masked boobies, blue footed boobies, Galapagos doves and swallow tailed gulls. You can also spot the Albatross Airport, where waved albatross line up to launch their great winged bodies from the cliffs, soaring out over the dramatic shoreline of crashing waves and driven spray. During the afternoon, head to Gardner Bay, where a magnificent white sand beach waits for you, and where you will encounter sea lions and sea turtles on the shore. You can also kayak or snorkel at Gardner Islet, right next to the bay. End of the day and dinner onboard.

Activities and Services





Day 8: End of Itinerary

First activity of the last day will be landing at San Cristobal Island, that was the first one Darwin visited when he arrived in 1835 at the Archipelago. You will visit the Galapagos National Park Visitor Center or San Cristobal Interpretation Center, opened for the benefit of islanders and travelers alike in 1998, presenting a comprehensive exhibit of the islands’ natural history, human interaction, ecosystems, flora and fauna. After this activity you will be transferred to San Cristobal Airport to take your flight back to the continent.



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