Fragata 8 Days - Itinerary C


Day 1: Galapagos Islands

Early arrival to Seymour Airport at Baltra and transfer to the Fragata Yacht. After lunch, head to Bachas Beach, a white sand beach which is a nesting place for sea turtles, and where you can also spot light foot crabs, flamingos, hermit crabs and sea lions. End of the day and dinner.

Full itinerary map here:


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Day 2: Galapagos Islands

We begin the day practising snorkeling to see various species of ray or (with luck) hammerhead sharks from afar. Then, we head to El Barranco, also called Prince Phillips Steps, for an amazing wildlife watching opportunity. Hike up the steps to see a colony of red footed boobies and masked boobies. Next to Darwin Bay, where you will follow a trail to see frigate birds, gulls, blue and red footed boobies. End of the day and dinner.

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Day 3: Galapagos Islands

We begin with a hike to enjoy the most amazing panoramic view at the Galapagos Islands. After, relax on the beach or take the opportunity to snorkel at the reef to see various fish, friendly sea lions, and sea turtles. In the afternoon, we visit Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island, to see fascinating giant lava formations, due to the recent formation of the island, and where you can also swim and snorkel to see seals and penguins. Return to the yacht and dinner.

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Day 4: Galapagos Islands

At the beginning of the day we visit South Plazas Island, one of the smallest islands at Galapagos, which has one of the largest populations of land iguanas, and various species of birds, such as red billed tropic birds, swallow-tailed gulls, and also sea lions along the coast. After lunch, head to Santa Fe Island where we hike towards the cliffs to view the giant prickly pear cactus and land iguanas. You may also spot sea turtles, sea lions, and white tipped sharks from the yacht. After this visit, you can swim and snorkel. End of the day and dinner.

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Day 5: Galapagos Islands

We begin at Kicker Rock, a giant rock that was formed by a volcanic eruption, and a narrow canal cuts through it, which allows the passage of small boats. This site is home to many sea birds and is considered a great snorkeling and diving site. After lunch, head to Witch Hill. Its main attraction is a coral sand beach, which is an excellent place to swim and snorkel. This place was one of the first that Darwin visited, and you may also see coastal and migratory birds. Then we visit Lobos Island, where an important colony of sea lions and blue footed boobies reside. Return to the yacht and dinner.

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Day 6: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning head to Suarez Point, a basaltic cliff which forms a blowhole where water sprays high into the air. A trail takes us to see various species such as blue footed boobies, masked boobies, marine iguanas & albatross. After lunch, head to Gardner Bay, to see a sea lion colony lazing on a white sand beach. You can also swim and snorkel here or at Osborn Islet, which you will visit later. Dinner onboard and rest.

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Day 7: Fragata Yacht

Early in the morning, head to Cormorant Point. This site hosts a flamingo lagoon, and also white-cheeked pintails. This is also a place where marine turtles nest from December to May. Then head to Devils Crown for snorkeling with multi colored fish, sharks and turtles that can be seen underwater. Then, we head to Charles Darwin Station on Santa Cruz Island, to learn about the conservation efforts and scientific research that have been made to preserve the Galapagos giant tortoise.





Day 8: End of Itinerary

After breakfast, head to North Seymour Island, where you can see blue footed boobies, magnificent frigate birds, marine iguanas and sea lions. After this visit, you will be transferred to Baltra Airport to take your flight back to the continent.

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