Day 1: The Kilimanjaro Golf and Wildlife Estate

Wed. 20 Oct 2021

 “I believe there is no sickness of the heart so great it cannot be cured by a dose of Africa.  Families must go there to learn why they belong together on this earth, adolescents to discover humility, lovers to plumb old but untried wells of passion, honeymooners to seal marriages with a shared sense of bafflement, those shopworn with life to find a tonic for futility, the aged to recognize a symmetry to twilight.  I know this all sounds a bit much but if I have ever seen magic, it has been in Africa”

 John Hemingway’s, African Journeys


Arrival into Kilimanjaro airport (JRO) ,  our guide will be waiting, to drive you to the "Mount Meru Hotel" in Arusha. 

 Relax  at your hotel  and get a good night's rest, as our adventure begins in the morning.



International flight

Days 2 - 4: Tarangire National Park

Thu. 21 Oct 2021 - Sat. 23 Oct 2021

22 October 2021

Drive about 90 miles southwest to Tarangire National Park, stopping at an authentic Maasai Boma and having a ‘chat’ under a tree with the Local Chief.  This is a great opportunity to interactively experience life of the Maasai.  We will arrive at our  tented camp for lunch and a bit of relaxation prior to our afternoon game drive.    


23 October 2021

Today's explorations  take us deep into  Tarangire National Park.   The landscape is spectacular with winding creeks,  vast Baobab trees, savannah plains and  lush nutritious swamps where the prey congregate and the predators prowl.     During the heat of the day,  we will relax  at our beautiful camp.   

This evening we will go for a night game drive to discover the nocturnal life of the bush. 

Overnight at Lemala Mpingo Ridge


Activities and Services


Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Maasai Boma (village) interactive experience 

games drives - mornings, afternoons & evening


Days 5 - 6: Ngorongoro Crater

Sun. 24 Oct 2021 - Mon. 25 Oct 2021

24 October 2021 ( Tarangire --- 3 hours --- Ngorongoro Crater )

Our first stop will be Mto wa Mbu, where  the  local guide lends us an  insight into  rural  life and  importance of sustainable living,  which is  direct result of a successful NGO project .    Today's lunch will be traditional cuisine catered by the local ladies from the banana plantation.   After this truly mind enriching experience, we will continue onto the Ngorongoro Highlands arriving at "Lemala Ngorongoro Camp" for a customary sundowner.

25 October 2021

The Ngorongoro Crater, the largest intact caldera in the world ,  observe incredible concentration of  wildlife hippos basking in the mud pools, lions lazing in the sun,  and one of the highest density of hyenas in all of Africa's parks.   Early morning,  we plan to  descend to the floor of the crater,  to watch the morning awake. 

An exclusive picnic lunch in the Crater to be enjoyed prior to continuing our game viewing.   

Overnight at Lemala Ngorogoro


Expert tips


Sundowners are more than just a happy hour, they are a very cherished African tradition and form an integral part of your safari experience. It is a time to relax, reminisce the day gone by, enjoy a cocktail or glass of wine in a very special and private location.

Activities and Services


Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Cultural excursion -Mto wa Mbu

Ngorongoro Crater gameviewing

Exclusive lunch in the crater


Days 7 - 9: Eastern Serengeti

Tue. 26 Oct 2021 - Thu. 28 Oct 2021

26 October 2021 ( Ngorongoro ---Ndutu  )

This morning we will leave the Ngorongoro Conservation area, driving through the  Maasai homelands,  stopping at  Olduvai Gorge,  where Mary & Lewis Leakey discovered the earliest evidence of the existence of human ancestors.    We will continue our drive through to Eastern Serengeti,   game viewing along the way.  

 The name Serengeti was derived from a Masai word ‘Siringit’ that literally means; endless plains. 

 Huge"kopjes",  massive granite outcrops randomly dot the endless grassy plains. This is an area of stunning beauty and excellent game viewing all year round.  Predators love the rocks as they provide the ideal look out points and plains game gather because of the water and  precious shade.  


27 & 28 October 2021

The next two days, will be full on game viewing in the vast SERENGETI .... both via our safari land-cruisers and  on foot! (led by highly skilled and knowledgeable  guides).

A walking safari is a sensory adventure like no other.  Follow in the footsteps of animals, identify the spoor, scat and sounds of the bush.  Learn about fascinating plants, look for the smaller animals and insects, and MAYBE even feel the buzz of tracking some of the larger game.  

Overnight at Lemala Nanyuki


Activities and Services

Days 10 - 12: Northern Serengeti

Fri. 29 Oct 2021 - Sun. 31 Oct 2021


29 October 2021 ( Eastern Serengeti --- 4.5hrs game drive --- Northern Serengeti )

This morning we will  drive north through the park,  game viewing along the way.   Afternoon relax and enjoy the beautiful camp surroundings.     

30 & 31 October  2021

The 14,763 square kilometers of the Serengeti are probably most famous for being the southern end of the Great Migration. Every year over 1.5 million animals, mostly wildebeest but also zebra and Thompson's gazelle, follow their instincts and move through the western corridor on their 1000 km. journey to the fresh grazing of the Masai Mara. Predators pick off the weak, the laggardly and the young and crocodiles feast as the vast herd crosses the rivers but they continue their trek, as they have done since time immemorial. This is one of the earth's great sights - but it is by no means all the Serengeti has to offer.

Nature dictates the when and where the massive herds movement, however,  we are confident that we will see the migration and maybe  even witness a river crossing!

Overnight at Kuria Hills Lodge

Expert tips

Serengeti National Park is undoubtedly the best-known wildlife sanctuary in the world, unequaled for its natural beauty and scientific value. With more than two million wildebeest, half a million Thomson's gazelle, and a quarter of a million zebra, it has the greatest concentration of plains game in Africa. The name 'Serengeti' comes from the Maasai language and appropriately means an 'extended place'. 

Activities and Services

Day 13: End of Itinerary

Mon. 1 Nov 2021

Take in the spectacular views of the Serengeti for the final time as you transfer from our camp to the airstrip for our flight to Arusha.  You will have a few hours for any last minute shopping in Arusha before your transfer to the Kilimanjaro International airport. 


Expert tips

Shanga is a social enterprise based in Arusha Tanzania that trains and employs people with disabilities to produce high quality handmade craft items - glass blowing, beading and other activities, the interactive workshop is located on the grounds of Elewana Arusha Coffee lodge.





International flights

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