Manatee 4D


Day 1: Manatee Amazon Explorer

Quito- Coca: Fly from Quito to Coca on a 30 minute flight. After landing you will be transferred to the dock to board a motorized canoe to begin a 1 hour and a half  journey to the Manatee Amazon Explorer. Once we have settled into the boat, we will be joined by expert local naturalist guides who will provide us with a brief and informative introduction to the Ecuadorian Amazon, after which guests will have their first opportunity to discover the exciting features of our cruise ship: spacious social areas, comfortable suites, and the observation deck that allows us to admire the changing rainforest landscape as we glide down the Napo River. After dinner, we will plunge straight into the Amazon by going for a nighttime forest walk to observe the forest’s nocturnal activity and experience the thrill of the vivid noises and aromas that come from so much biodiversity. 





Day 2: Manatee Amazon Explorer

 We continue to travel downstream to the Pañayacu River delta, where we will take a canoe trip to experience the sights of this fascinating water reserve. Pañacocha Lake is an ecosystem flooded by blackwaters. Pañacocha means “Piranha Lake” in the native Quechua language. The surrounding protected Rainforest is home to 9 species of primates, 500 species of birds and more than 100 fish species. This is the perfect habitat for Piranhas, the Water Monkey Fish (Arawana) and the White Caiman.  In this little piece of paradise, we will participate in nature walks led by our local naturalist guides, and relax at a nearby campsite where we will enjoy a delicious Amazon-style BBQ and refreshing beverages. After lunch, we will do some kayaking, and the bravest among us will enjoy a nice refreshing swim in the Piranha Lake! We promise it’s not as dangerous as it sounds! 
 Back on board the Manatee Amazon Explorer, our guests will have the opportunity to attend a lecture given by our concierge and watch an educational documentary about the region.





Day 3: Manatee Amazon Explorer

This morning, we will set out on canoes to observe one of the most incredible sights on this side of the Western Amazon – the Parrot Clay Licks. This unique place is rich in minerals and attracts hundreds of colorful parrots, parakeets and amazon birds, every day. Later, we will visit a Quechua Cultural Center, where we will learn about Amazon communities and their ancestral culture, traditions, and cuisine. Members of the local community will teach us about indigenous lifestyles along the Napo River and we will have the opportunity to support the local community by purchasing handicrafts, local products, and souvenirs.  Before sunset, we will visit an observation tower in the rainforest canopy, which offers an astonishing 360-degree view of the Amazon basin and is the perfect photo opportunity! Birdwatchers and bird-lovers alike will especially enjoy this outing.





Day 4: End of Itinerary

 This is where our adventure ends! Enjoy the last part of our return journey onboard and then disembark the Manatee Amazon Explorer to take the motorized canoe back to Coca (one-and-a-half-hour ride).



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