Archipel I 8 Days - Itinerary B5+A4


Day 1: Galapagos Islands

Arrival at Seymour Ecological Airport and short bus ride to the harbor to get onboard the yacht. After lunch, you will take a bus ride to the highlands of Santa Cruz Island at the National Park boundary, where you will see the Twin Craters and then you will visit a local ranch to observe the giant tortoise of Santa Cruz Island in its natural habitat. Return to the yacht and dinner.

Full itinerary map here:

Activities and Services


Galapagos Islands




Day 2: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning, head to Floreana Island, first to the Cormorant Peninsula, where you will be welcomed by a small Galapagos sea lion colony. You will also see a green sand beach that contains olivine crystal, and a white coral sand beach. You may also spot stingrays along the shore. After lunch, we go to Post Office bay, where you can bring your postcards and post them in the peculiar barrel of this historic site. This place commemorates the improvised mail service that was situated here during the 18th century. End of the day and dinner.

Activities and Services

Baroness Cove


Galapagos Islands





Day 3: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning head to Gardner Bay at Española Island, that is an important breeding site for pacific green turtles. But the main attraction is the Galapgos sea lion colony. After lunch, head to Suarez Point, that is a basaltic cliff which forms a blowhole where water sprays high into the air. The trail also takes us past nesting sites of blue footed boobies and waved albatross.

Activities and Services


Galapagos Islands





Day 4: Galapagos Islands

The first activity of the day will be the visit to Pitt Point, which was the first sight of land that Charles Darwin spotted when he first arrived at the Archipelago in 1835. You will see a group of Galapagos sea lions, a male colony. From here you will take a trail that leads up to tropical dry forest vegetation, and after a bit of walking you may spot various species of boobies, such as blue footed, red footed and Nazca boobies. After lunch, head to Witch Hill. Its main attraction is a coral sand beach, which is an excellent place to swim and snorkel. This place was one of the first that Darwin visited, and you may also see coastal and migratory birds. Return to the yacht and dinner.

Activities and Services


Galapagos Islands





Day 5: Galapagos Islands

First activity in the morning will be a visit to Lobos Islet, where a colony of Galapagos sea lions lives, in particular nurturing mothers with their babies. You may also spot male blue footed boobies and great frigate birds.  Then we visit the Interpretation Centre, just outside the provincial capital city of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, which gives a perfect explanation of this unique archipelago. Its attractive exhibition is quite complete and helps you to get a clear overview and learn what makes this archipelago so unique. Information panels (in English and Spanish), pictures, documents, maquettes, and true-to-life dioramas tell various background and conservation stories about the islands in a different way. A short, though often hot, uphill trail with steps, leads from the Interpretation Centre to the summit of Frigatebird Hill. Four panoramic viewpoints show Puerto Baquerizo Moreno from above, as well as the bays on both sides of the headland. On clear days even the distant, offshore sculpture of Kicker Rock can be seen! These wooded hilltops are one of the rare places where some magnificent and great frigatebirds form a mixed breeding colony. A viewpoint with another Charles Darwin statue is a reminder that the HMS Beagle anchored in the exotic bay below


Galapagos Islands





Day 6: Galapagos Islands

Early in the morning you will visit South Plazas, located to the east of Santa Cruz Island, forming a pair of islands known as “Islas Plazas”, where you will see outstanding species such as land and marine iguanas and hybrid iguanas too. After lunch you will visit Santa Fe Island, where you can see some endemic species such as the Galapagos hawk, Galapagos snake, Galapagos mockingbird, and land iguanas. You will also see one of the many sea lion colonies, and have the possibility to snorkel. After this activity return to the yacht and dinner.

Activities and Services


Galapagos Islands





Day 7: Archipel I

After breakfast, head to North Seymour Island, where you can see blue footed boobies, magnificent frigate birds, marine iguanas and sea lions. After lunch disembark at Chinese Hat (Sombrero Chino), to observe lava tunnels, lava cactus and you also have the option to swim and snorkel if you wish. Return to the yacht and dinner.

Activities and Services





Day 8: End of Itinerary

In the morning, you will take a bus ride to the highlands of Santa Cruz Island to the National Park boundary, where you will see the Twin Craters. Then you will visit El Chato Reserve to observe the giant tortoise of Santa Cruz Island in its natural habitat. Then you will be transfered to Baltra airport.

El Chato Highlands Cenote 2 Highlands

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