Garden Route Uncovered


Day 1: Knysna

Head westwards along the Garden Route, which follows the Indian Ocean coastline and is bordered inland by soaring mountain ranges and indigenous forests. Visit the spectacular Tsitsikamma National Park and Storms River Mouth (weather permitting). You’ll arrive at your hotel in Knysna, known as the oyster box of South Africa, nestling on the banks of a beautiful lagoon in the heart of the Garden Route. The afternoon is at leisure to relax or explore the town.


Entry into Tsitsikamma National Park and Dinner



Day 2: Knysna

After a leisurely breakfast we’ll enjoy a lagoon cruise to the Featherbed Nature Reserve (weather permitting), see the looming sandstone ‘Heads’ which guard the sea entrance to Knysna’s huge tidal lagoon, and the forests, marshes and white, wind-swept beaches beyond. After lunch we have the remainder of the day at leisure, to enjoy and explore this beautiful, relaxing town.



Featherbed Nature Reserve with Lunch



Day 3: Oudtshoorn

Travel through the Outeniqua Pass to Oudtshoorn, known as the “ostrich capital” and the center of the world ostrich farming industry. We’ll visit an Ostrich Farm for a guided tour and light lunch, before taking a tour of the spectacular limestone caverns of the Cango Caves, one of the world’s great natural wonders, sculpted by nature through the ages. We will arrive at our hotel in the late afternoon, in time to check-in and relax before dinner

Interior Venue

Activities and Services


Ostrich Farm tour, Cango Caves, Lunch



Day 4: End of Itinerary

There is an option(for own account and subject to availability) to enjoy an early morning Meerkat Safari. Witness these incredible wild habituated creatures emerging out of their burrows, in time to soak up the sun before they head about their daily activities (weather permitting). After this thrilling experience, head back for a delicious breakfast. After breakfast, the journey continues through the ‘Little Karoo’ to Barrydale, where you will have the opportunity to visit a local farm school, interact with the children and teachers, spending time with them in the classroom learning more about the local farming community, before travelling to Montagu, a picturesque and historic spa town. (The school visit is subject to the school being open). Continue straight through to Cape Town, spectacularly set at the foot of Table Mountain. (The tour will travel via Franschhoek if there are guests booked on the Franschhoek option)


Activities and Services


Drive back along Route 62


Optional Meerkat Safari

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