Celebrity Xpedition 8 days northern itinerary


Day 1: Galapagos Islands

Quito/Baltra Island During World War II, Baltra served as a U.S. military base protecting the Panama Canal from enemy attack. Now the cactus-strewn landscapes of Baltra are home to the region’s main airport and where you will meet the ship. From the airport, it is just a short bus and zodiac ride to the ship for embarkation.

Black Turtle Cove, Santa Cruz A zodiac ride into Black Turtle Cove, one of the most beautiful sites in the Galapagos, takes you through a complex maze of tranquil saltwater inlets surrounded by mangroves. Once inside the cove, quietly explore the area looking for sea turtles, several species of rays, and sharks. It is also a nesting site for brown pelicans, egrets, and herons. Excursion options: zodiac.


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Galapagos Islands



Day 2: Galapagos Islands

Rabida Island A small island south of Santiago, Rabida is best known for its red sand and eroded volcanic landscape. A nesting colony of pelicans makes its home here, along with sea lions, finches, mockingbirds, Galapagos Hawks, and some seabirds. With good conditions, the snorkeling can be excellent. Excursion options: zodiac, walk, swim, kayak and snorkel.

Egas Port, Santiago With its black sand beach, coastal tide pools, and blue-water grottos, this stop offers a wonderful taste of the Galapagos and the opportunity to see shore birds, Galapagos Hawks, sea lions, marine iguanas, and Galapagos fur seals. Sea lions, colorful tropical fish, and sea turtles are often seen while snorkeling (conditions permitting). Excursion options: walk, swimming, snorkel.


Red Beach Rabida

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Galapagos Islands





Day 3: Galapagos Islands

Tagus Cove, Isabela Island  Historically an anchorage for pirates and whalers, this site offers a breathtaking view of Isabela, its volcanoes, and a saltwater lagoon. Along the shore, seabirds, penguins, sea lions, sea turtles, and nesting flightless cormorants can often be found. Excursion options: Zodiac, walk, snorkeling and kayak.

Espinoza Point, Fernandina Island  Fernandina is the youngest island in the Galapagos and, as Darwin wrote, it is “covered with immense deluges of black naked lava.” Along with its extraordinary black lava rocks, this point of land hosts the largest colony of marine iguanas in the Archipelago, along with sea lions and a nesting site for flightless cormorants. Excursion options: Walk, snorkel, hike.


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Galapagos Islands





Day 4: Galapagos Islands

Urvina Bay, Isabela Island Composed of five merged volcanoes, this is the largest island in the Galapagos and the most recently active, the latest eruption having occurred at Wolf Volcano in 2015. Here you will see large land iguanas, finches, and if lucky, a giant tortoise or two. In 1954, magma from one of the island’s volcanoes caused part of the bay to be uplifted some 6 meters, allowing you to walk through the remains of what was once a thriving underwater reef. Excursion options: Walk, hike, snorkel, swim.

Vicente Roca Point, Isabela Island  The half-collapsed remains of an ancient volcano make for a spectacular setting at this site. Awe-inspiring cliffs, blue waters, and wildlife create a zodiac ride to remember as you search for sea turtles, penguins, fur seals, the flightless cormorant, marine iguanas, marine mammals, and the oddly shaped form of the elusive sunfish. Excursion options: zodiac, deep water snorkel.


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Galapagos Islands





Day 5: Galapagos Islands

Bartolomé Island  Bartolomé Island offers one of the region’s most photographed views, and is a spectacular geological setting. Its barren moon-like volcanic landscapes, spatter cones, and pinnacle rock make for a unique stop. It is also home to the endemic Galapagos penguin and provides an excellent opportunity for snorkeling. Excursion options: hike up some 368 stairs “To the Top” of the volcano, a zodiac ride, and an optional beach swim or snorkel.

Las Bachas, Santa Cruz Island  Las Bachas Beach is located in the north of Santa Cruz Island. Its soft, white sand is derived from remains of coral, shells, algae, making it a favorite nesting site for sea turtles. Behind the beach there is a small brackish lagoon, where it is possible to observe flamingos and other coastal birds, such as black-necked stilts and whimbrels. Excursion options: walk, swim, and snorkel.

Daphne Island  Daphne is a satellite volcanic cone located north of Santa Cruz Island. The crater floor is an important breeding site for blue-footed boobies. The cliff shore of the island is home for sea lions, pelicans, blue-footed boobies, and tropic birds which can be observed during the circumnavigation of the island.




Galapagos Islands





Day 6: Galapagos Islands

El Barranco, Genovesa  El Barranco, also known as Prince Phillip’s Steps, is a steep stairway that leads up through a seabird colony full of Nazca and Red-footed Boobies. Once at the plateau, the trail continues inland and passes more nesting booby colonies in the thin Palo Santo forest. Keep an eye out for Galapagos doves, mockingbirds, storm petrels, and a short-eared lava owl if you are lucky. Excursion options: Hike, zodiac, deep water snorkel.

Darwin Bay, Genovesa  Darwin Bay’s soft white sand is only the beginning of a spectacular excursion. A trail from the beach takes you into lush mangroves where red-footed boobies nest. Other local wildlife includes sea lions, swallow-tailed gulls, frigate birds and more. Snorkeling is a must here, as the nutrient-rich water attracts all types of marine life including sharks, sea lions, sea turtles, and the occasional manta ray. Excursion options: Walk, swim, snorkel and kayak.


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Galapagos Islands





Day 7: Celebrity Xpedition

Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island  The main population center of the islands, Puerto Ayora is home to the National Park Service tortoise-breeding center and the Charles Darwin Research Station. You will have the opportunity to take a bus ride to the highlands to observe giant tortoises in the wild and walk through a lava tunnel. Optional time for shopping will be available. Excursion options: Tortoise-breeding Center/Charles Darwin Center, Highlands.






Day 8: End of Itinerary

Baltra disembarkation / Airport transfer for flight home  Baltra is home to the region’s main airport, and where you will fly out after a zodiac and bus ride to the airport.


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