Day 1: Tarangire National Park

When you land at Kilimanjaro International Airport, you will be met by your friendly guide. After introductions and loading luggage into the car, you begin your journey to Tarangire National Park with a picnic lunch on the way. As you arrive at Tranagire National park you will go on a game drive on the way to Kuro Tarangire Lodge, where you will spend 2 nights, settle in and freshen up before you go for dinner.

Day 2: Tarangire National Park

The activities included today are game drives and a bush walks and also a night drive. Speak to your guide about the best itinerary for today.

Day 3: Ngorongoro Crater

Today you drive through Karatu, past some local villages and through the Ngorongoro Highlands up to the Ngorongoro Crater. Entamanu Ngorongoro Lodge is located on the rim of the crater, which you will descend into the next day. In the afternoon enjoy a walk in the Highlands or a village visit.

Day 4: Ngorongoro Crater

Get up early for your decent into the crater caldera today! The slopes are forested but soon the landscape changes to savannah dotted with the occasional acacia tree. The wildlife here is absolutely breath-taking and if you are lucky you might spot the Big Five – lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino and leopard. The crater is also home to warthogs, wildebeests, zebras, hippos, hyenas and many more. After a morning full of game viewing and a picnic lunch you will return to Entamanu. 

Activities and Services

Day 5: Northern Serengeti

This morning, it is a 2 hour drive to Manyara Airstrip, from where you will catch a light aircraft flight to the northern part of the Serengeti. When you land, you will be met by your new guide and be driven to the lodge. You have the option of doing an afternoon game drive today.

Days 6 - 7: Northern Serengeti

Over the next two days you will enjoy either shared morning and afternoon or full-day game drives in search of the big migration heards between in the northern Serengeti, especially around the Mara River, where you can witness spectacular Mara river crossings.

Day 8: End of Itinerary

Your guide will let you know what time you need to be at the airstrip in order to catch your light aircraft flight back to Kilimanjaro International Airport from where you can connect with your flight home.

Activities and Services

Departure flight to Kilimanjaro International Airport

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