Best of Botswana's Okavango Delta and Chobe Princess

Days 1 - 3: Okavango Delta

Chitabe is located in the Chitabe Concession, which covers 22 000 hectares of pristine Okavango Delta wilderness. This unique area harbours a massive variety of habitats within close proximity giving rise to a surprising diversity of species. The mix of Okavango and Kalahari makes for an excellent home to an abundant array of herbivores: giraffe, buffalo, red lechwe, tsessebe, impala and elephant, which in turn support the larger predators: lion, leopard, spotted hyaena, cheetah and wild dog.


Days 4 - 6: Okavango Delta

Jacana is set in the Jao Concession, a true wetland area, ideal for the rare sitatunga and abundant red lechwe. In the summer months when the inundation has receded, lechwe, tsessebe and elephant are prevalent, while lion, and occasionally leopard, may be seen. Wildlife concentrations in this area of the Delta depend on water flow and volume, changing from season to season. Birdlife is abundant; enthusiasts can spot Pel's fishing-owl as well as African and lesser jacanas and other Okavango specials such as slaty egret and African pygmy-goose.

Days 7 - 9: Kwedi Concession

The annually flooded grasslands of the Okavango Delta surrounding Vumbura Plains are locally referred to as 'melapo' and offer good seasonal viewing of elephant, giraffe, impala, sable antelope, kudu, zebra, common waterbuck and reedbuck, tsessebe, wildebeest, red lechwe and Cape buffalo. Hippo and crocodile are common in the waterways. Predators include the African wild dog, several resident prides of lion, as well as leopard, cheetah and African wildcat. Birding is exceptional all year round.

Day 10: Chobe Princess By Mantis

Chobe Princess with Elephants Chobe Princess at Sunset Chobe Princess

Day 11: Chobe Princess By Mantis

Chobe Princess Exterior Chobe Princess Cabin Chobe Princess Cabin

Day 12: End of Itinerary

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