Day 1: Addis Ababa

Arrive at the Addis Ababa Bole International Airport. You will be met by a Starry Starry Nights representative and assisted to the vehicle for your private road transfer to the Sheraton Hotel. Tonight you will have a welcome dinner with Conrad and a discuss the details of the safari.

Day 2: Addis Ababa

Enjoy a city tour of Addis Abba that includes; National Museum: It comprises of many archaeological and historical findings, including the famous complete hominid fossil remain of ‘Lucy’, locally known as ‘Dinknesh’, meaning wonderful. Visiting this museum is a good summary for your visit to the historic Ethiopia.

Day 3: Bahir Dar

In the morning fly to Bahir Dar, a town on the shore of Lake Tana; the largest lake in Ethiopia (3,600km). Lake Tana is home to thirty-seven islands, of which twenty shelter churches of significant historical and cultural interest. Today, we have a remarkable boat trip on Lake Tana to visit the island monasteries of Ura Kidane Mihret (16th century AD) and Azwa Mariam (16th century AD). Then, we drive back to Bahir Dar and enjoy walking and bird watching around Lake Tana.

Day 4: Gondar

After breakfast we do a 5hour scenic drive to Gondar, the 17th and 18th century capital of Ethiopia. After checking into the hotel we will have a sightseeing tour of the town of Gondar. We will be visiting the “ROYAL COMPOUND”, with many majestic castles constructed in the European middle age architectural style, and the Bath of Fasiladas (bathing palace), standing in a rectangular, neatly walled depression, which is filled with water once a year for the Timket (EPIPHANY) celebrations, popularly referred to as a ‘bathing palace’. Timket celebrates the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. It is celebrated every year on January 19 (20 on leap year).

Day 5: Simien Mountains National Park

After breakfast, head to Sankaber – the headquarters of Simien Mountains National Park. Located in the Simien Mountains, that occupies a surface area of 180 km sq. The park is situated between 4,430 and 1,900 (6,200-4,500 feet), and boasts varied flora with three marked botanical areas. The highest parts have meadows with little vegetation, characteristic of Afro Alpine Zones. Here we can find the endemic Lobelia rhynchopetalum, small groups of perpetual flowers, Helichrysum, and striking Kniphofia foliosa. We will be looking for various endemic mammals and birds.

Day 6: Gondar

Today you will visit the Jinbar Falls, which falls about 500 meters to the bottom of the gorge. We will also try to find troops of Gelada baboons and if we are very lucky Walia ibex. The gelada baboon is endemic to Ethiopia and has adapted to living on the nearly vertical cliff faces. Then drive back to Gondar for an overnight.

Day 7: Axum

After an early breakfast, fly to Axum and sightseeing tour of Axum which is the ancient capital of Ethiopia. Today, we visit the Archaeological museum of Axum, the Cathedral of St. Mary of Zion which is believed to be the last resting place of the Original Ark of the Covenant. In the afternoon we will visit the famous ‘Stele field’ (4th Century AD and UNESCO World Heritage Site, the ruin palace and tomb of King Kaleb and King Gebre Meskel (5th and 6th Century AD) and the residence of the legendary Queen of Sheba (9th century BC).

Day 8: Lalibela

Fly to Lalibela, which is home to the incredible rock hewn churches of King Lalibela in the 12th and 13th century whom the town is named after. This day you will explore the atmospheric subterranean complex of passages and the extra-ordinary first group remarkable rock-hewn churches. Lalibela is arguably one of the most important religious and historical sites in Africa, and certainly in the entire Christian world.

Although it is not widely known in the west, Ethiopia was the first country to adopt Christianity and, due to Ethiopians becoming Christian long before the Catholic Church was born, the roots of Ethiopian Orthodox religious practices are as recognizably Hebrew as they are Christian. Legend has it that King Lalibela was exiled in Jerusalem and returned to Ethiopia to build a New Jerusalem.

There are many theories as to how these extremely architecturally advanced churches were built, who built them, and why they were built here. Some claim they are so unlike anything on earth they must have been built by angels; other say they were built by the Knights de Templars who came here to find and protect the Arc of the Covenant, a quest that gave birth to the legend of the Holy Grail.

Day 9: Lalibela

After breakfast we will visit the semi-rock hewn church of Asheton Mariam (13th Century AD), then in the afternoon we will visit Yemrehanna Kristos.

Day 10: Harar

Fly back to Addis, then connect to your afternoon flight to Diredawa then drive 55 km to Harar – “City within a city”. Harar is the third most important Muslem city in the world and is a World Heritage Site.

Day 11: Harar

Today we will visit the 16th century marvellous wall, Museums, colourful multicultural market in which the Amhara, the Oromo and the Adere people meet. In the evening, we will drive to one of the gates of Harar and visit the ‘Hyena Man’ who feeds the wild hyenas by mouth.

Day 12: Addis Ababa

This morning we will drive 55 km to Dire Dawa to visit the largest Chat (a mild stimulant) market in the world at Aweday. In Dire Dawa, we visit the spice market and the camel market before catching your flight back to Addis. Transfer to your hotel for an overnight.

Day 13: Bale Mountain National Park

After breakfast we will drive to Bale Goba, then drive to the world famous Bale Mountains National Park. At the park headquarters in Dinsho, we search for the many birds found around there, like the colourful Chestnut-naped Francolin, Ground Scraper Thrush (of the distinctive, endemic race simensis). We also hope to see the variety of mammals, including Mountain Nyala – now entirely restricted to the Bale Mountain massif, Menelik’s Bushbuck and Warthogs, unusual at this altitude. Drive to Goba for an overnight.

Day 14: Bale Mountain National Park

Today will be a day of great contrasts with amazing scenery and birding. We will depart early, and ascend the Bale massif onto the Sanetti Plateau, which is between 3800m and 4377m above sea level. Once we reach this unique plateau, we will be driving on Africa’s highest road, passing close to the summit of Ethiopia’s second highest mountain.

This habitat is termed “Afro-alpine moorland”, and is characterized by Jibrra or Giant Lobelias, which tower like monolithic giants over the rich tussock grasslands and extensive cushions of yellow Everlasting flowers. This site is an important bird area of immense importance, supporting seven globally threatened species and nearly all of Ethiopia’s Highland biome species. The grasslands are estimated to support an incredible biomass of 4,000kg of rodents per hectare. This obviously attracts an array of raptors and we should see Steppe and Golden Eagle, Augur Buzzard and elegant Pallid Harriers courting over this green sea.

They share this abundant food source with the plateau’s most celebrated resident, the Ethiopian Wolf, crowned with the unenviable title of “the world’s rarest canid.” We should enjoy excellent photographic opportunities in this unique mountain wonderland. Finally, we will reach the escarpment of this elevated plateau and stare down, through the clouds, at the vast Harenna Forest below. This remarkable forest is the largest intact forest block in Ethiopia and the largest protected Afro-alpine forest on the continent. It still supports populations of lion and the only surviving forest-dwelling African Wild Dogs. Although unlikely that we will see either of these species, the descent through this breathtakingly beautiful moss-draped forest is inspirational. In the afternoon return to Goba.

Day 15: End of Itinerary

Drive back to Addis to arrive in Addis in the late afternoon. In the evening, we will taste a variety of Ethiopian meals and watch the folklore dances at a traditional restaurant in Addis.

Day use room or an overnight if needed to connect with your homebound flight.

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