About GUEST Australia

GUEST Australia is a personal travel planning and reservation system based in Nelson, New Zealand. Our mission is to create memorable Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Island holidays for international guests. Our key markets are North America, Europe and expats in Asian countries. We target honeymooners, lifestyle and family travellers. We live here and doing constant research by travelling throughout the country. We believe in quality facilities and fast personal friendly service and will select and recommend the best travel options for our guests travel itineraries. We use modern technologies to communicate with guests and provide a vacation experience with human touches of intuition and local first-hand Australia and New Zealand knowledge since 1988.

Terms and Conditions

GUEST Australia Terms and Conditions

Cost for Australia travel itineraries are in Australia Dollars (AUD). Cost for Australia and New Zealand travel combo itineraries are in US Dollars (USD).

1. PAYMENT BY BANK DRAFT: A tax invoice with bank details will be emailed after your travel confirmation.
2. CREDIT CARD or PAYPAL: Payments over $500 will incur a 4% credit card service fee.

On receipt of payment documents will be forwarded to you.

View our easy planning steps by clicking: https://guestaustralia.com/about-us/how-holiday-planning-australia-works/

Cancellation policies apply to all services.

For booking conditions see: https://guestaustralia.com/travel-service-terms/

We highly recommend travel insurance to cover health & cancellation fees. Please check that all necessary Passport and Visa requirements for all destinations are in place.

National license (non-English+ international license). No refund for unused rental days. No airpoints available with bookings through GNZ.

Please advise special requirements (e.g. vegan food, allergies, late arrival etc.)

We value your privacy and take every step to ensure that your information remains confidential. The statement below is a summary of the policies employed by GINZ & Guest (GNZ). Please direct all enquiries to them through one of the following means.

GUEST Australia

PO Box 3449, Richmond/Tasman, New Zealand
Phone: +64 21 62 94 98
Email: michael@guestaustralia.com

GNZ does not collect private or personal information from this web site, except where you willingly provide it.

If you contact GNZ we may keep a record of that correspondence. GNZ occasionally asks users to complete surveys that we use for research purposes. Wherever GNZ collects personal information we make an effort to include a link to this Privacy Policy on that page.

A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. GNZ uses cookies solely for the purposes of enabling a more efficient navigation system while you are using our site. We do not use this cookie to collect information about the user.

WITH WHOM DOES GNZ SHARE MY INFORMATION?GNZ will not disclose any of your personally identifiable information except when we have your permission.


You may edit any personal information that GNZ holds on you by contacting us via phone, fax, or e-mail. Your information can be updated, corrected or deleted at your request at any time.

As with all information, GNZ will never rent or sell your personal information. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Therefore we don't hold any credit card details in our system.

As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, GNZ cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us via email or customer response form. Once we receive your transmission, we make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems.

The contract is between GINZ & Guest / Michael Nees Travel NZ Ltd. (GNZ) - either operator or agent - and any person (client) travelling or intending to travel on an itinerary or tour supplied. The contract, including all matters arising from it, is subject to New Zealand law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand Courts. GNZ has the sole authority to vary or omit any of these terms.

To secure a booking, GNZ requires a deposit, sent by the client, or the parent/legal guardian (if the client is under 18 years). A booking is valid from the date GNZ confirms acceptance in writing. GNZ reserves the right to decline any booking at their discretion.

The balance of all monies due, including any surcharges must be paid to GNZ no later than 30 days prior to travel start date. Payment may be made directly by Bank Draft/Wire (Bank details will be advised). If Credit Card payment is nominated a 4% Credit Card charge is applicable to all bookings over $500.00. In the case of non-payment of the balance by the due date, GNZ will treat the booking as cancelled unless the client communicates to the contrary. GNZ is a New Zealand based operator and subject to New Zealand Banking Rules and Regulations.

GNZ provides itinerary cost in local currencies - either NZD or AUD. We also state an approx. figure in guests foreign currency to provide a sense of cost (e.g. USD, SGD, Euro) at the time of confirmation. Due to exchange rate fluctuations the guests final invoice amount can vary in the foreign currency rate stated. We do not hold any currency options. We are unable to guarantee any foreign exchange rates unless the guest has full pre-paid their travel itinerary.

On receipt of full payment pre-departure information will be forwarded either by postal mail, fax or e-mail. This will include: detailed itinerary, details on what to bring, travel vouchers, tickets and location instructions.

An administration fee of AU$100.00 per booking item, plus any additional costs incurred will be charged if a confirmed booking is changed or transferred.

When it becomes necessary to cancel your holiday you must notify GNZ immediately in writing; upon receipt, cancellation/s will take effect. All cancellations will incur a minimum cancellation fee of A$200.00 to cover GNZ administration costs. Up to 30 days prior to departure a cancellation cost up to but not exceeding 10%** of the total reservations will be incurred. After 30 days prior to departure the cancellation fee will be based on costs incurred**, including costs levied by other operators.

** Operators' cancellation fees are available at the service pages or on request. For Rental Car and Motorhome cancellation please check the term and conditions applicable to each company or on request. Operators' cancellation fees may differ from GNZ's and we strongly recommend that you take out travel insurance, including cancellation insurance to cover any eventualities.

In the event that a client has a complaint about any of the travel arrangements, they must advise the relevant supplier at the time and inform GNZ in writing. This will assist settlement of any grievance or complaint.

Child prices are not always stated. Please apply for a quotation if a child price is not quoted. Child prices are based on at least one adult accompanying the child.

GNZ recommends clients take out travel, health and cancellation insurances. If the client has to cancel for medical reasons, most cancellation charges, less a small excess are covered by the policy recommended by GNZ. GNZ accepts no liability for personal injuries and losses. GNZ highly recommends that all travellers obtain travel insurance against cancellation or amendment fees as well as providing sufficient medical cover.

It is the client's responsibility to choose a trip within their capabilities. For guided tours the rule of thumb is the fitter the client is prior to departure, the more enjoyable the trip will be. The majority of trips offered require clients to be in reasonably good health. If clients have any doubts about their suitability for a particular trip, they should contact their Doctor. You are also welcome to discuss any health and fitness enquiries with GNZ.

All accommodation prices are net per room unless otherwise stated. All prices include Australian Goods and Services Tax of 10% % and 15% in New Zealand.

We cannot accept responsibility for any travel service, rules and conditions that are incorrectly represented within this system. The data and services shown are provided in good faith and 'as is'. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or fitness for a particular purpose of any data or services provided and to the maximum extent permitted by any law disclaimer all implied warranties in connection with such data or services. In no event shall we be liable for any injury, loss, claim, damage or any incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to lost profits or savings, arising out of or in any way connected with the use of any display within this site.

GNZ does not endorse or recommend any particular travel service provider. GNZ and its third party suppliers have taken reasonable care that the content of this travel web site, including all travel information and listings is correct but is subject to amendment at any time without notice. The Agent publishes such information in good faith. As user you acknowledge and accept that: GNZ cannot and has not checked the accuracy of all information provided by travel service providers such as airlines and hotels. The hotel listings may include errors and travel service providers such as airlines, hotels, wholesalers and car suppliers are requested and encouraged to correct and update their information regularly and as needed. You should make your own evaluation of the accuracy or completeness of any information, opinion, advice or other content available through the facility. You are solely responsible for the suitability of any travel services which you purchase by means of the service. In particular, we are not liable for any inconvenience caused or expense incurred as a result of any unsuitability of travel services for use in association with other travel services. Any Agent's role in relation to your travel arrangements is limited to facilitating your booking and arranging travel documentation, payments and refunds as applicable. GNZ accepts responsibility for the performance of this role and for the negligence of its employees. However, to the maximum extent permitted by law, GNZ disclaims all liability for any technical errors, corruption of any data, unauthorised access to your personal data, inaccuracies in information supplied by third parties, or failure by the Agent to complete bookings where that failure is due to circumstances beyond its control. GNZ accepts no responsibility or liability for any failure or delay on the part of any third party in providing travel services to you where your booking has been properly processed by it; nor is GNZ responsible for any acts or omissions of airlines or other third parties in the course of delivery of such travel services. Where GNZ is liable to you under these terms and conditions its liability will be limited to providing the relevant booking services again or to refunding money paid in relation to services not provided because of the Agent's default. Where refunds are due to you from third party suppliers of travel products or services, GNZ will provide reasonable assistance to you in claiming such funds from those suppliers. Under no circumstances will GNZ be liable for direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages including but not limited to lost profits or savings or damages for disappointment.

GNZ as operator or agent finalises all arrangements for these tours on the express condition that it shall not be held liable for any injury, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of any defect in any vehicle, vessel or equipment or by Acts of God or through the acts of default of any company or person engaged in conveying the passengers or in carrying out our arrangements of the tours or otherwise in connection herewith. GNZ reserves the right to change any of the facilities, services or prices described in the information provided.

GNZ accepts no liability for any action or activity undertaken by the client arranged independently or GNZ while of tour. GNZ shall not be liable to compensate clients for associated expenses incurred as a result of their booking. No refund will be made for any unused services which are included in the price.

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