About Jean-Pierre ARDINOIS

Director from Kaapstad.org/Akho Africa Tours & Safaris

Since teenager connected to South Africa via a penfriend. What used to be a hobby in 1994 became a full time job: the passion for South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique.

Countries Visited

Mostly Africa but must be about 60 countries.

Favourite Destinations

The solitude and natural wonders of the 'Gondwana' desert in Namibia, the West and Wild Coast of South Africa and exciting safari destinations.


Although a very recent venture as Inspiration Africa was created in early 2014, it enjoys the long standing experience of its associates and partners. Bruno Van den Bossche, Jean-Louis Verbois, Jean-Pierre Ardinois, Riz Virji and Lies Cuisinier, have managed and operated uncountable FIT, groups and MICE events in Southern Africa. Between the 4 of them, they total aver 50 years of experience.

From the offices in Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, and Zambia, Inspiration Africa covers Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe with its services. The main focus is to offer our clients the benefit of a highly personalized service, entirely tailor made and dedicated to the handling of medium to upmarket FIT itineraries, MICE projects and our special concept of experiential rich itineraries.

Our range of operations reaches from Ethiopia to Cape Town. From the Namib Desert to the tropical coasts of the Indian Ocean.

To know more about us visit: 


Terms and Conditions

AFRICA DMC's Terms and Conditions

Reservations A deposit of minimum 30% of the tour prices is payable at the time of the booking - more might be requested to adhere to specific terms associated with supplier products selected. The balance must be paid at least 45 days before the start of the tour. We accept deposit payment by bank wire transfer. In the event of a booking with the final 45 days before provision of the services, full payment will be expected immediately upon confirmation and in any case before travel occurs.

Accommodation Generally we reserve rooms based on two persons sharing a double room. Single rooms are reserved at supplementary cost. We reserve the right to book accommodation at alternative hotels/lodges where hotels/lodges named are not available.

Transportation Transport on safari in Africa is provided in a variety of vehicles ranging from your sedan vehicle to 4x4 safari vehicles or from microvans all the way to large coaches. The selection of which will be done as appropriate or as requested. Details are specified in itinerary. The company generally employs the services of sub-contractors for all transfers and transporation needs.

National Park Rules Clients are advised to observe rules of various national parks for their own safety.

Child Discounts Children under 2 years travel mostly free, with the exception of certain flights. Children under 12 years generally receive a substantial discount on ground arrangements provided sharing a room with 2 adults.

Alteration to Tours Every effort is made to adhere to itineraries advised to clients. However, should it be necessary to change the sequence or lodge due to weather conditions, or any other cause, the company reserves the right to do so.

Tour Prices Prices are based on prevailing tariffs at the time of printing and are subject to change without prior notice. In case of increases in tariffs outside of our control e.g. park entry fees, you will be advised accordingly.

Visa Requirements Most nationals will require visas for most African countries. Some countries are free of charge but otherwise the cost varies between US$30 to US$ 100 per person per entry. We recommend that where possible you obtain your visa in advance, although they are available upon arrival. To know if your nationality can obtain a visa on arrival and the cost, please check with the destination country's embassy closest to you. Some countries such as Zambia and Zimbabwe offer visitors from certain countries the benefit of a UniVisa valid for both destinations which can be obtained only at certain point of entries. In any case the onus is upon the traveller to ensure that they have the right travel documentation and visa as required.

Health By far the largest health concern raised by travelers to Africa revolves around the issue of Malaria. Please ensure you consult with a travel clinic or your physician for the appropriate medication. Usually this prescription starts a couple of days prior to your arrival, and continues for a couple of weeks after your return. Simply put, If you aren't bitten - you can't catch malaria. Using insect repellent as well as wearing long sleeved shirts and long trousers after dark will reduce the possibility of being bitten.

Vaccination wise, we recommend that our guests consult the closest health center in their country for updated information on what is needed for the countries visited. Yellow Fever is required for travel to certain African countries only. Your travel clinic or physician can brief you on recommended vaccines.

When it comes to water supplies, bottled water will be supplied in most vehicles during transfers and safaris. In most African countries, we recommend you use bottled water for drinking purposes at all hotels and lodges, and not to drink water direct from the tap. This does not apply to Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe where tap water is perfectly drinkable unless specified otherwise by your host.

Insurance when paying your deposit we would suggest you take out insurance at the same time against unforeseen cancellation, medical evacuation and luggage loss. Equally important is the need to check that your health and life insurance will cover you throughout your safari. The health insurance policy will need to cover the unlikely event of you requiring emergency evacuation or repatriation. We do not sell travel insurance, so this must be obtained in your country of origin.

At Inspiration Africa we require all our guests to be covered by a valid travel insurance providing sufficient life and health cover in the event of an emergency; proof of which with relevant policy and contact numbers need to be forwarded to us prior to travel.

We are also able to offer an emergency evacuation service (Flying Doctors) at a cost of $35 per person for 2 weeks. In the unlikely event of any eventuality that requires emergency attention, a rescue aircraft would evacuate you to the closest major health facility for stabilization. From here, your own health insurance would take over. The Company does not undertake to provide medical care and does not accept liability for any inadequate care provided. Such an emergency air rescue service insurance must be requested in writing.

Air Transfers All the companies that we use for air transfers, whether they be scheduled or chartered, are locally licensed and fully authorized.

Airport Departure Tax All International Departures from African airports attract International Departure Tax. We would recommend that you contact your ticketing agent in order to check that this is included within the price of your ticket. Generally this is the case with the exception of some locations where airport departure tax is always paid locally; mostly in cash.

Cancellation In case of cancellation, the following charges will apply on the entire tour price:

  • Between 120 - 60 days 30%
  • Between 60 - 45 days 50%
  • Between 45 - 30 days 75%
  • Within 30 days or no show 100%

Do note that our cancellation charges over the festive season of Christmas and New Year are slightly more severe:

  • Between from confirmation - 120 days 30%
  • Between 120 - 90 days 50%
  • Between 90 - 60 days 75%
  • Within 60 days or no show 100%

Please do note that should end supplier cancellation condition differ from the below as in being more stringent, those conditions will supersede the above and information of which will be provided.

Prices: Our prices are calculated in good faith, errors and omissions aside. They include taxes and entrance fees as they exist at the time of quotation and are therefore subject to adjustment in case of changes. 

Payments: We accept various forms of payment ranging from simple bank transfers to the use of the most common credit cards. The invoiced amount is to be paid net of any bank charges which are to be paid by the client. In the case of payment by credit card, the invoice will be increased by a flat fee equivalent to 1.85% of the amount of the latter.



  1. Are applicable for any confirmed or new booking to travel subsequent to 31rst of December 2021. 

  2. Will remain in effect until amended, withdrawn or substituted by IOA in writing

  3. When withdrawn, any confirmed booking still to travel will follow IOA the normal T&C.

New bookings

1. Provisional bookings can be held for a two-week period and extended by two-weeks by mutual consent: 

  • Provisional bookings in the extended two-week period would need to be confirmed in cases where a second confirmed request is received and where the guests cannot be accommodated due to lack of capacity in accommodation.

  • These bookings need to be confirmed within 7 working days of notification. If not confirmed the space will be released.

2. The balance of payment required 30 days prior to the date of travel.

3. If a confirmed booking cannot travel within the 60-day Period due to the Force Majeure Event the following applies (definitions tabled below):

  • Booking may reschedule to a future date however will be subject to annual and seasonal rate changes where applicable. Rescheduling can take place up to date of arrival.

  • IOA should endeavour to negotiate the confirmed rate at the time of booking. However, no guarantee will be given.

  • If not able to reschedule, cancellation fees will be charged. 

4. If a confirmed booking cancels for a reason other than the Force Majeure Event our standard cancellation policies apply.

Existing Booking

Our current policy applicable to existing bookings affected by the Force Majeure Event is as follows:

1. We continue to encourage guests to defer their booking: 

  • Should guests rebook to travel on or before 30th June 2021 and wish to make further changes to travel dates, this would be accommodated on a case by case scenario.

  • Should guests not wish to travel on or before 30th June 2021 we will extend deferment onto 31 December 2021, subject to annual and seasonal rate changes where applicable.

2. Should guests however decide to cancel outright:

  • For travel in the next 60-day Period - cancellation fees will be handled on a case-by-case basis

  • For travel after the next 60-day Period - our standard terms and conditions will apply.


Force Majeure Event: COVID-19 related reasons (travel bans and border closures) either in the countries in which we operate (destination country) or the country of guest departure (originating country) existing.

Complaints Should a problem occur, please advise both ourselves and the supplier of the service in question immediately as most problems are resolved most easily on the spot. Should you remain dissatisfied, please write to us setting out the complaint in detail within 28 days of the end of our services under the contract. We cannot accept responsibility for any complaints which are not notified entirely in accordance with this clause.

Force Majeure "Force Majeure" means those circumstances where the performance of our contract with you is prevented or affected by reasons of war, threat of war, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, governmental actions and all similar events beyond our control. In these circumstances, we shall not be liable to pay any compensation or otherwise be responsible for any expenses or losses you might incur where we are forced as a result to cancel, delay, curtail or change your arrangement in any way or where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented or affected.

Liability The company and its agents accept no responsibility for personal injury, accident, illness, death, delays, theft, loss or damage to baggage or any other personal properties or alteration or cancellation of itinerary due to force majeure. The company will not be held responsible for delays, cancellation or non-acceptance of reservation of air space. Inspiration Africa liability is governed by the laws of Zambia and Zimbabwe and no other country. Any claim would be subject only to the Courts of one of these countries.

Contract The simple confirmation and booking of a tour submitted through this digital itinerary validates the client's adhesion to our terms and conditions as set above. Should you wish any clause to be amended in any way this must be discussed in writing prior to any confirmation. Failing which the above terms and conditions will apply.

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