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Young Explorers

  • Activities

    Credit: Ker&Downey Botswana
    Shooting bows and arrows
  • Activities

    Credit: Ker & Downey Botswana
    Family game drives
  • Activities

    Credit: Ker&Downey Botswana
    Playing with the freesbie
  • Tracking

    Credit: Ker&Downey Botswana
    Spoor identification
  • Activities

    Credit: Ker & Downey Botswana
    Educational walks with the specialist guide
  • Walking

    Credit: Ker&Downey Botswana
    Walking with the whole family

Enquiry Form

Young Explorers

*Required fields

First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Telephone Number *
Country of Residence
Approximate Departure
No. of days
Comments or Questions