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Saxon Hotel Villas & Spa

  • Saxon Hotel, Villa and Spa

    Front View
  • Gardens

  • Vegetable Garden

  • Heated Pool

  • Convention Lounge

  • Auditorium

  • Boardroom

  • Conference Room

  • Dining Library

  • Red Wine Cellar

  • Fitness Centre

  • Luxury Suite

  • Luxury Suite

  • Presidential Suite Lounge

  • Presidential Suite Entrance

  • Presidential Suite Bedroom

  • Presidential Suite Bathroom

  • Villa Luxury Suite Bathroom

  • Luxury Suite Bathroom

  • Saxon Spa

  • Saxon Spa

    Eden Treatment Room
  • Pedicure Lounge

  • Manicure Lounge

  • Saxon Spa

  • Saxon Spa

  • Nelson Mandela Platnium Suite Dining Room

  • Nelson Mandela Platnium Suite Lounge

  • Nelson Mandela Platinum Suite en-suite bathroom

  • Nelson Mandela Platinum Suite second bedroom

  • Nelson Mandela Platinum Suite main bedroom

  • Nelson Mandela Platinum Suite main en-suite bathroom

  • Nelson Mandela Platinum Suite work space

  • The Terrace

  • Fig Terrace

  • Fig Terrace

    Outdoor Dining
  • Olive Bar

  • Qunu Restaurant

  • Piano Lounge

  • Saxon Villa

  • Saxon Villa Boardroom

  • Saxon Villa

  • Villa Presidential Suite

  • Villa Presidential Suite Lounge and Dining Area

  • Villa Presidential Suite Lounge

  • Villa Presidential Suite Bathroom

  • Villa Luxury Suite Bathroom

  • Villa Luxury Suite

  • Villa Luxury Suite

Enquiry Form

Saxon Hotel Villas & Spa

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Email Address *
Telephone Number *
Country of Residence
Approximate Departure
No. of days
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