Hobatere Lodge
Hobatere Lodge is strategically located 65 km north of Kamanjab on the western border of the Etosha National Park. The lodge has an airstrip and is situated in a concession area of 8,808 ha which is home to a wide selection of game, including elephant, giraffe, eland, and Hartmann’s zebra.
The lodge offers the visitor the opportunity to experience game drives in open vehicles and nature walks with experienced and knowledgeable rangers. Early morning and night drives are part of the activities on offer. Many nocturnal animals, such as aardvark, cape fox, bat-eared fox, aardwolf, genet and many more can be encountered on a night drive. Before your exciting night drive, you will be able to enjoy the night sky at our Boma for dinner. Activities also include drives into the Etosha National Park.
The lodge belongs to the #Khoadi //Hoas Conservancy. One of the primary objectives of the lodge is to increase the benefits to the local community, reducing human wildlife conflict and also conservation of the area.
The name Hobatere means “Find me”, and once you do, you will enjoy a warm welcome and personalized service.