
Great savings - Stay for 7 nights and only pay for 6 on this unforgettable journey

Experience a taste of the best Zimbabwe and Botswana has to offer, on this grand 8-day itinerary. Explore the thundering majesty of the famed Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, ending with the most remote and untouched wildlife areas in Botswana. Your adventure begins with the sight of the magnificent flume of water vapour that hangs above the mighty Victoria Falls. The next stop is the famed Chobe National Park where elephant wander dreamily into camp and hippo slumber as you float down the river on a sunset cruise. Your journey culminates in the Okavango Delta, a magical setting where land blurs with water. Be captivated by a maze of sparkling lagoons, meandering channels and overgrown islands teeming with wildlife. A sensational experience!


Highlights of this Itinerary

  • The thundering waters of Victoria Falls, Africa’s largest waterfall
  • Variety of adrenaline adventures at Victoria Falls
  • Large herds of elephant and buffalo, as well as river cruises, in the Chobe National Park 
  • Exceptional birding destinations
  • The crystal-clear lagoons and winding waterways of the Okavango Delta, a lush oasis in a desert


Make the most of your Adventure

  • A river boat cruise offers the perfect angle to snap away at vast families of elephant drinking from the Chobe River.
  • Spoil yourself with an unforgettable Botswana wilderness experience and book a helicopter flight over the Okavango Delta. This thrilling adventure offers awe-inspiring aerial views of this dramatic water-wonderland.
  • Take an aerial photograph of the Victoria Falls or Okavango Delta from your aeroplane or a helicopter.






day 0

Ilala Lodge Hotel Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

2 nights


day 2

andBeyond Chobe Under Canvas Chobe National Park

2 nights


day 4

andBeyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp Okavango Delta

3 nights



FI: Fully Inclusive - Bed, All Meals, Fees and Activities


Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe): Ilala Lodge Hotel

Ilala Lodge Hotel Ilala Lodge Hotel Ilala Lodge Hotel

Chobe National Park: andBeyond Chobe Under Canvas

Chobe Under Canvas Chobe Under Canvas Chobe Under Canvas

Okavango Delta: andBeyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp

andBeyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp andBeyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp andBeyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp

Fast Facts

8 Days / 7 Nights

Group Size: 2

Reference Number: MTS-Lux-2

Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe): Ilala Lodge Hotel

Ilala Lodge Hotel Ilala Lodge Hotel Ilala Lodge Hotel

Chobe National Park: andBeyond Chobe Under Canvas

Chobe Under Canvas Chobe Under Canvas Chobe Under Canvas

Okavango Delta: andBeyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp

andBeyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp andBeyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp andBeyond Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp
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