Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Days 1 - 3

Victoria Falls is one of the world’s most impressive waterfalls. It is set on the magnificent Zambezi River which creates the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. These spectacular falls can be easily visited and viewed from the Zimbabwean side. Considered to be the world’s widest waterfalls, Victoria Falls measures an impressive 1708 metres in width. The small town of Victoria Falls, which lies adjacent to the waterfalls, serves as a great base from which to explore the many attractions this area of Zimbabwe has to offer. The surrounding area provides a wide range of adrenalin-filled activities for adventure lovers. Visitors can look forward to an array of wonderful activities including: scenic flights, micro lighting, white water rafting, bungee jumping, kayaking, and once-in-a-lifetime expeditions into the incredible Chobe National Park.

Chobe River Front

Days 3 - 5

The Chobe River forms the northern boundary of the Chobe National Park, renowned for its diverse and abundant game viewing opportunities. This section of the park is best known for its dense concentration of wildlife including elephant and hippo populations, but the waters attract all manner of game including large herds of buffalo and the lions that prey on them. A visit to this area guarantees close encounters with an array of African wildlife. Visitors can look forward to some exciting activities such as: driving along the game-dotted river banks in a 4WD; cruising along the river in a motorboat, spotting rare birdlife and for a unique, luxury safari experience, hire a houseboat.


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Chobe River Front

Linyanti Concession

Days 5 - 7

Situated in Northern Botswana bordering the Chobe National Park, the Linyanti Concessions stretch across the Kwando-Linyanti river system. They are known for their exotic animal species and luxury safari options. An abundance of wildlife roams freely between the woodland habitats, ancient floodplains and forests that make up these lush, unfenced reserves. The big game in this area increases dramatically during the dry season when the area hosts large herds of impala, blue wildebeest, giraffe and buffalo as well as the world’s highest density of elephant. Several packs of wild dog are found in the area and lion, leopard and cheetah are frequently sighted. Night drives allow for the discovery of nocturnal creatures such as civets, genets, honey badgers and spring hares. This vast, untamed wilderness is the perfect location for those seeking a unique African adventure in an exclusive and remote big game habitat.


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Linyanti Concession

Kwedi Concession

Days 7 - 9

Situated in the beautiful northern part of Botswana between the famous destinations of the Moremi Game Reserve and Chobe National Park, the Kwedi Concession (NG 22) is an impressive reserve known for its excellent wildlife spotting opportunities and water activities. The enthralling mopane bushveld and vast floodplains are home to a huge number of animal species, including wild dog, lion, hyena, and leopard (these species are the most commonly spotted) as well as giraffes, elephants, Burchell’s zebra, and numerous antelope species. The reserve offers day and night game drives, as well as guided walks and photography tours. Fringing the abundant Okavango Delta, the reserve is decorated with permanent waterways, tree islands, and swamps - providing the chance for kayaking, boat tours, and bird spotting.

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Kwedi Concession

Okavango Delta

Days 9 - 12

Situated in the northwestern corner of Botswana, the Okavango Delta is a World Heritage Site as it is the largest inland delta in the world. The magnificent Okavango River sprawls out over the dry sands of the Kalahari Desert forming this flourishing waterlogged oasis featuring countless meandering waterways and crystal clear lagoons studded with water lilies, as well as fertile floodplains and reeded islands inhabited with abundant wildlife. The Okavango Delta stretches over an impressive15000 square kilometres. Visitors can enjoy a number of wonderful activities such as game viewing, fishing, bird watching or taking an authentic guided Mokoro excursion through this wetland paradise in a traditional dugout canoe. Commonly spotted animals include: lion, rhino, leopard, giraffe, hippos, elephants, crocodiles and countless species of bird.


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