Meet your guide at the exit of the train station or in the lobby of your hotel for a short walk to the bus station and a 20-minute bus ride up to Machu Picchu Citadel (elevation: 8,000 ft. – 2,432 m.a.s.l.). Scratching the surface of the heavens from its place atop the grandest of mountaintop pedestals, it is easy to lose yourself in the mystique and grandeur of this enigmatic citadel. Soak in the energy and atmosphere of one of the most significant archeological sites on the planet while your guide helps you uncover the secrets behind key areas of interest such as the Sun Dial, the Guard House, the Sacred Plaza and the Temple of the Sun.
Please allow approximately three hours for the guided route and four hours for the entire experience | You must show your passport in order to be allowed to enter Machu Picchu Citadel.