Ribola Art Route is a cluster of travel attractions, accommodation, tour operators, local artisans, guides and restaurants. It brings people together from all levels of community to promote travel to their area.

FIRST SITE VISIT - In villages around Limpopo Province, it is the women who decorate the homes with traditional and borrowed symbols, integrated into wall paintings, using color oxides, and lime and battery acid and mud mixtures.

In 1983, 23 women from Mbokota Village, former Tsonga Homeland known as Gazankulu, got together to develop a simple textile process incorporating these patterns into fabric designs.  Tlakeni Textiles Co-operative members who offered space for initial training in their workshop also supported the project. Later, the co-operative assisted women in gaining business skills and developing a co-operative structure.

Experience and buy painted cloths, sarongs and table cloths, batik cloths, laptop bags, traditional clothing, cushions and more. Do hand-painted and Batik cloths, cessions traditional clothes

SECOND SITE VISIT - Patrick Manyike Home Gallery and Tinyiko Art School. They in specialize in wooden sculptures where enjoy indigenous music group (marimba and drums. Visit Twananani and learn cloth paint design and Shibeleni experience

Experience a very unique kind of art as Pilato Bulala uses rubble to create artworks.

Visit wood sculpture artist and mukondeni for pots

Finish your day with African cuisine lunch or cheesa nyama from local