Early morning collection from your Hazyview based hotel. Transfer to the Phabeni Gate at the Kruger National Park. Your ranger will complete the formalities with the South African National Parks officials before being allowed entry into the park. The day’s safari commences with very little delay at the gate. Embark on a drive through the Kruger National Park which is a hive of activity at sunrise. This enormous and magnificent park is one of the most popular public-entry game parks in the world. Its density of permanent game is unrivalled with hundreds of different species; 507 birds, 336 trees, 147 mammals, 114 reptiles, 49 fish and 34 amphibians! The guide will stop for breakfast stops and lunch on clients own account during the safari. Rest camps have a great variety of meals to choose from.

The day ends with return to your hotel at approximately 16h00.