Upon arrival at The Iguazú National Park, our first stop is the Visitors´ Center Ibyra-reta, which in the local dialect (Guaraní) means “The Tree Country”. The centre offers an excellent insight into the rich biodiversity of the area.

To visit the falls, the most convenient option is the “Ecologico de la Selva”, train. The train was built in England and specially designed for the park, connecting the three principal areas.

We find three stations: Central Station (where the visitors´ center is located), the Cataratas Station, which gives access to lower and upper trails, and the Devil’s Throat Station, taking us to the main falls. It is a scenic 14km route of around 25 minutes in total.

To reach The Devils Throat proper, we either use the train or hike the Green Trail, which passes a swamp, home to multiple bird species, families of butterflies and other native flora and fauna. This trail is a relaxed 15-minute walk and lovely introduction to the area.

From Cataratas Station, we find a plaza, the starting point of the slightly longer Upper and Lower Trails.

The upper offers great panoramic views at six fantastic lookout points along the 1-hour 30-minute trek, with the pace being steady, and numerous rest areas can be found throughout.

The final Lower Trail offers a more intimate approach to the falls from below. From here, one gets a real sense of the immensity of this natural wonder, as the water pounds relentlessly into the rocks at the foot of The Devils Throat. This two-hour pathway has eight perfectly located lookout points; all of which ensure that getting wet sooner or later is almost guaranteed! The Lower route offers a mix of perspectives on the falls, from below, as well as a glimpse of the Brazilian side of Iguacu.

Finally, if choosing this extended option to the main falls, we re-board the train for the final Station, The Devil’s Throat (Garganta del Diablo). From here, a concluding 2-hour hike (can be done in isolation if taking the train straight to The Devils Throat station from the plaza), traverses the Iguazú River to its breathtaking climax.

Within the park, we will also find various small restaurants, snacks stalls and toilette facilities.

Important Notes:

*Make sure to get your entrance ticket stamped at the Ticket office, those wishing to return to the park the following day will receive a 50% discount on presentation of the stamped card. 

*Recommended attire: comfortable walking shoes, plastic bags or rain covers for your backpack, sunscreen, insect repellent and hat.