Condor Adventure at Antisana Ecological Reserve 

For nature lovers staying by the airport or in Quito, this program is a must-do. The day begins with an early departure from Quito, ensuring ample time to arrive at the canyon entrance and witness the morning launch of condors from the canyon walls. From a bird-watching deck, you'll be amazed by the multitude of species that stop by, including a stunning array of hummingbirds.

As the tour continues, we venture further up into the Andean moorlands, where the park offers unparalleled views of Antisana, Sincholagua, and Cotopaxi volcanoes on clear days. Short hikes allow you to explore the unique plant life and take in panoramic views of the grasslands, where you can observe

As the tour continues, we venture further up into the Andean moorlands, where the park offers unparalleled views of Antisana, Sincholagua, and Cotopaxi volcanoes on clear days. Short hikes allow you to explore the unique plant life and take in panoramic views of the grasslands, where you can observe over 100 species of birds, including Andean Condors, Carunculated Caracaras, and the critically endangered Black-faced Ibis. The area is also home to other unique bird species such as the Ecuadorian Hillstar, the Giant Hummingbird, and the Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe.

Also, Antisana Volcano is also home to a variety of other wildlife, including Andean foxes, deer, llamas, and spectacled bears. The surrounding wetlands and forests provide a diverse range of habitats that support these unique species, making Antisana Volcano an ideal location for wildlife enthusiasts.