Day 1: Dar es Salaam

You will be met at the airport and transferred to your hotel.

Days 2 - 5: Ruaha National Park

Fly into the heart of Tanzania and the great wilderness of Ruaha national park. Explore this incredible landscape from Ikuka's commanding position atop the Mwagusi escarpment. 

Activities and Services

Days 6 - 8: Lake Tanganyika

Fly to the far west of Tanzania to the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Time for some relaxation and fun by the lake in the middle of your safari. 

Days 9 - 12: Katavi National Park

The final leg brings you to the seldom visited Katavi national park. Game drives, bush walks and the opportunity to fly camp over the coming days.

Day 13: End of Itinerary

Return to Dar es Salaam with the bush taxi plane taking stops in Ruaha and Selous on your way.

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