Day 1: Revelstoke

To get to Revelstoke you have several options you can either charter from Vancouver directly into Revelstoke, or fly to Kelowna and take a car or helicopter transfer. 

Activities and Services

Ski the resort

Day 2: Revelstoke

Bordering two pristine national parks, the heli skiing tenure is an unspoiled 500,000+ acre wilderness. With over 400 established runs from towering peaks to sheltered valley floors, you'll have a vast diversity of terrain options. Ski from alpine cols, across wide open glaciers dotted with stunning seracs and bergschrunds, through rolling meadows and down into old growth cedar rainforest, past giant centuries-old trees. The runs vary from 500 vertical meters in length to over 2.2 vertical kilometers.

Activities and Services

Heliskiing in the Selkirks

Day 3: Revelstoke


The tenure you'll ski borders Glacier National Park with  access to hundreds of glaciers. There are few feelings to rival the freedom of wide open turns on a blank canvas that glacier skiing provides. Towering walls of blue glacial ice contrast with the white snow create an otherworldly environment.

Activities and Services

Heliskiing in the Selkirks

Day 4: Revelstoke


The rhythmic precision of turns is a mesmerizing feeling as you crest roll after roll of deep powder, with expansive views of jagged mountain skylines. Skiing alpine meadows above treeline is relaxing and exhilarating in equal measures.

Day 5: Revelstoke


The BC backcountry is renowned for accessible airtime. Revelstoke’s deep snowpack covers boulder fields and cliff bands with a blanket of forgiving powder, allowing you to catch air. Bouncing from pillow to pillow is an incredible experience, but something you should endeavor in if you feel you have the ability and can ski in control. 

Day 6: Revelstoke


Revelstoke is home to the world’s best tree skiing due to the unique climate, biodiversity, and consistent heavy snowfall. Most of the skiing takes place below 9,850 ft, facilitating the growth of large, naturally-gladed trees and reducing the effects of altitude on athletic performance.

Day 7: End of Itinerary

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