In Beach Villa up to 4 adults and 4 teenagers / children can be accommodated in the 2 double rooms on the ground floor and in one twin and one double on the first floor.
The 2 double rooms on the ground floor are ideal for 4 adults (two couples). The twin room on the first floor is ideal for children. All these bedrooms have their own bathrooms and have air conditioning and mosquito nets.
An additional double room on the first floor has no AC but has a fan and mosquito net. This villa is deal for families with children friends or a couple that wants complete privacy.
In Beach Villa up to 4 adults and 4 teenagers / children can be accommodated in the 2 double rooms on the ground floor and in 1 twin and 1 double on the first floor. The 2 double rooms on the ground floor are ideal for 2 couples. The twin room on the first floor is ideal for children.
All of these three bedrooms have their own bathroom and are air conditioned with mosquito nets. An additional double room on the first floor has no air conditioning but has a fan and mosquito net.
This villa is deal for families with children, friends, or a couple that wants complete privacy.