In this itinerary we will pass through historical points of the city of Ubatuba, which completes 381 years on October 28/2019. In the past, Ubatuba was the scene of conflicts among native Tupinambás Indians and Portuguese and French colonizers, looking for gold and other land and natural richness.

Visit the Peace Square of Iperoig, the Marco Zero, Central Church, Coreto, Fundart, the Fishermen's Island and Municipal Fish Market, the Tamar Project, the Caiçara Museum, the Whale Square and Guarani Street.

• Difficulty level: Easy

• Average time: 5 hours

• Geographic location: central area - Ubatuba

• Landscapes: Historic buildings, statues, Mother Church, Squares, Tamar Project, Visit to Guarani street, Tachão de Ubatuba, a traditional house of homemade coffee and candy.