The most famous treehouse in the world, the Casa del Arbol is home to the Swing at the End of the World, a simple playground ride perched on the edge of a mountain overlooking Baños, Ecuador. Here, you can hold the ropes as you jump over the mouth of the cliff. Don’t get scared, this is just childhood fun on an adult scale. On a clear day, it is even possible to see the active volcano sitting just outside of the town, occasionally breathing out enough smoke to remind you of its existence.

La Casa del Arbol (which translates to “The Treehouse” in English) was originally built to house a seismic monitoring system to detect nuclear explosions, earthquakes and other potential disasters, both natural and manmade. There are a total of 170 of these seismic stations in the world spread across 76 different countries. The Casa del Arbol itself was also originally built as a watchtower for the nearby volcano, Tungurahua, which is active. Some years after it was built, the Swing at the End of the world was hung from its branches, overlooking the beautiful Ecuadorian Valley.