Ntwetwe Pan lies to the west of Sua. There is an old trading route used by the European explorers, including David Livingstone passes through the center of Ntwetwe. There are two famous isolated baobabs in the center of the pan Green's Baobab and Chapman's Baobab that have served as landmarks for travelers for centuries. You can see Greens and Livingstone's initials carved into their trunks.
In a land so flat and desolate any landmarks are something to take note of and there are several island dunes, the largest of which is Gabasadi Island is the largest of these. There are several Stone Age sites scattered among the smaller pans on the western shore of Ntwetwe. You can also find the remains of San pit traps nearby.
This pan is dry most of the year when the unusual rock formations can be seen. Ntwetwe Pan, Botswana is covered in water in the Wet Season and bird and game viewing is at its most spectacular when viewed from the air.