Conveniently located only an hour from Tikal, the lovely island village of Flores is a peaceful base from which to tour the area’s surrounding Mayan treasures. The town proper is an island in Lake Peten Itza and is connected by a causeway to the twin towns of Santa Elena and San Benito. All three are commonly referred to as Flores. Most travellers visit Flores in order to marvel at Guatemala’s most famous Mayan ruins, or as a starting point for trips around Petén. However, the town itself has plenty to offer. The charming and often cobblestone streets of Flores are lined with colonial, red-roofed buildings, a historic church, a Spanish plaza, and some wonderful restaurants, cafes, hotels, guesthouses, and handicraft stores. Those who take the time to explore the town are likely to discover that Flores is brimming with hidden treasures and is more than merely a springboard destination, but a memorable attraction in itself.