This morning visit Lake Sandoval, a glassy, ox-bow lake located inside the protected Tambopata National Reserve, one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. Reached via a sun-dappled jungle trail, Inkaterra explorer guides enjoy regaling visitors with their tales of unexpected encounters with poison frogs and camouflaged creatures. Board a dug-out wooden canoe to quietly paddle through mangroves and glide onto Lake Sandoval, flanked by picture-perfect palms. This serene lake is home to thousands of species of birds, the endangered giant river otter, red howler monkeys, red-bellied macaws, anacondas, side-neck turtles and black caimans. Return to the lodge in time for lunch.

In the afternoon, take a 20-minute boat ride across the Madre de Dios River to climb the exhilarating Inkaterra Canopy Walkway and navigate the Anaconda Walk. The Inkaterra Canopy Walkway is a sophisticated and safe 344 metre (1,135 feet) network of seven ecologically constructed hanging suspension bridges, strung between eight treetop observation platforms above the forest floor. Originally constructed for a non-profit organization, ITA, to carry out conservation projects, this is an unforgettable opportunity to observe the rainforest from the rooftop and gain a sense of its colossal size. Ascend the first vertiginous tower 38 metres (124 feet) above ground, keeping an eye out for white-throated toucans, woodpeckers, trogons, squirrel monkeys and the three-toed sloth. Back at the base follow the Anaconda Walk, strolling the seasonally flooded aguajales wetlands on an elevated wooden boardwalk. Come nightfall, under the cover of darkness explore the rainforest on foot as your senses heighten to movements in the undergrowth and the raucous sounds of the rainforest.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner included