Straddling the river Moselle are the stunning twin towns of Bernkastel and Kues, the well-known wine-making region set the heart of Middle Moselle in the Bernkastel-Wittlich district of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. East of the river rests Bernkastel, a quintessential medieval village defined by a townscape of half-timbered houses and a bustling marketplace home to quaint cafes, wine taverns and Spitzhäuschen, a 600-year old absurdly narrow building with upper floors that distend over the lower ones, creating a cartoonish image that earns the title of “the most photographed building in Bernkastel-Kues”. Other must-visit venues include the Late Renaissance architecture of the Rathaus (Town Hall), the Graach Gate, and the ruins of the 9th-century hilltop Landshut Castle. West of the river lies the village of Kues, home of St Nikolaus Hospital, Mosel-Vinothek and the Wine Museum.