Situated 80 kilometres north of Cape Town, Yzerfontein, or Ysterfontein, is a tiny harbour village which marks the beginning of the breathtaking Cape West Coast Region. The incredibly scenic, mild-weathered town provides an angler's paradise of crayfish and snoek, a holidaymaker's delight of wide and pretty soft-sandy beaches, and an outdoor sporter’s dream of hiking, 4x4ing, sandboarding, skiing, sailing, and surfing. At the West Coast National Park, among others, visitors can see astonishing swathes of brightly coloured wildflowers, as well as whales, dolphins, Cape mountain zebra, African wild cats and many other animals. The area is also home to diverse birdlife. The famous !Khwa ttu centre is a San-owned empowerment project where visitors can learn about the unique culture and environment of this ancient group of people.