Located in Peguche community, just 5 minutes northwest of the town of Otavalo, you will find this gorgeous waterfall. The waterfall is 18 m in height and originates at the slopes of the Imbabura Volcano and feeds into Lake San Pablo. After the falls, the river changes its name to "Jatun Yacu" which means "big water".

The Peguche waterfall is considered sacred, having been a ceremonial site for centuries. It is said that a shower under the waterfall will wash away bad luck and illness and cleanse your soul. During the Inti Raymi celebrations, the summer solstice festival on 21st June, pilgrims come to Peguche waterfall to bathe in the waterfall’s flow.

From the entrance to the park, it is an easy 15-minute walk to get to the waterfall, the trail is flat and well-defined. At the entrance you can pay a donation.