The Mababe Private Concession is an exclusive wildlife reserve situated in northern Botswana. Covering a vast expanse of pristine wilderness, this concession borders the Moremi Game Reserve, the Khwai River, and the famous Savute Channel within Chobe National Park. The area is known for its diverse ecosystems, including seasonal floodplains, grasslands, and riverine forests, which create an ideal habitat for a wide array of wildlife.
Visitors to the Mababe Private Concession can expect an extraordinary wildlife experience. The area is home to a remarkable density of animal species, including the famous African Big Five – elephants, lions, leopards, buffalo, and rhinoceros. In addition to these iconic animals, the concession boasts a thriving population of African wild dogs, cheetahs, hyenas, giraffes, zebras, and various antelope species. The rich birdlife is also a major attraction for birdwatching enthusiasts, with over 400 different species recorded in the area.
The Mababe Private Concession offers a more intimate and secluded wildlife experience compared to the public areas of nearby national parks. With limited access and fewer visitors, the game viewing activities are less crowded, allowing for a more authentic and exclusive safari adventure. Activities in the concession typically include game drives, guided nature walks, and seasonal mokoro (traditional dugout canoe) excursions. Night drives are also possible in the private concession, providing an opportunity to witness the fascinating nocturnal wildlife.
In summary, the Mababe Private Concession in Botswana offers an exceptional wildlife experience, with abundant animal populations, diverse ecosystems, and a more intimate, exclusive atmosphere compared to the nearby national parks.