This scenic flight takes you from Swakopmund, east via the "Moon Landscape" and along the Swakop riverbed to the Swakop and Kahn rivers intersections, crossing the Oasis Groanikontes. Routing Southwards, passing the Walvis bay airport and the Kuiseb river bed --the natural border for the dune formations. Over the "sea" of shifting sand dunes reaching the coast at Conception bay passing colonies of Cape Fur seals, the wreck of the passenger liner "Eduard Bohlen" stranded in 1909, she lies 250m away from the shore. Further along the coast another shipwreck, the "Shaunee" stranded in 1976. Along the coast with the Atlantic surf on the one side and the "long wall" (Namib Dunes) on the other, is Sandwich Harbour, a wetland of international importance and protected by the Ramsar Convention. The highest recorded density of Lesser and Greater flamingo‟s was recorded at low tide with 7 791 birds/km. In harmony with the surroundings is Namibia's coastal salt mines, south of Walvis Bay, attracting thousands of birds. Walvis Bay, Namibia's major harbour town and a former enclave to South Africa, which was incorporated into Namibia on March 1, 1994 is the next destination. Midway between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund pass the Langstrand Holiday Resort and the Dolphin Park Recreation Resort on the way back to Swakopmund.