In the early morning, after taking tea & coffee in camp, you proceed driving with a local guide into the surrounding hills ridges in search of a Hadzabe encampment; arriving at their last known site of camp you proceed after them on foot. Upon meeting them you are introduced to the camp

members. Visit their tiny huts, follow the women on a gathering foray and see how roots are dug, mice are caught and berries and Baobab fruit are gathered and prepared, or follow the men on a hunt, led in the wildlife rich woodland between towering Baobabs and acacias. The men are armed with long bows with poison tipped arrows, which you can see produced in the village and honey axes. If successful on the hunt, or finding a beehive, you will be offered to share their meal, a small antelope, a Francolin or Guinea fowl as luck dictates that day. Return to your Camp for lunch. In the afternoon Set out and visit a Datoga community and learn about their traditional pastoral way of life. The women still wear leather dresses, traditional jewelry and distinctive facial scarification, and the men armed with spears tend to their vast herds. Visit the traditional homesteads and experience their way of life and time permitting pass by the traditional Datoga black smith, that

still resides in the area. In the late afternoon return to your camp.